London Hospital Refuses to Allow Parents to Take Their Son For Life Saving Treatment In America – IOTW Report

London Hospital Refuses to Allow Parents to Take Their Son For Life Saving Treatment In America


Little Charlie Gard is only ten months old, but Great Ormond Street’s Hospital in London says he should “die with dignity,” reports The Sun. His parents, Chris Gard and Connie Yates, don’t agree. They want to take their baby to the America where an expert, who has treated 18 people with a similar mitochondrial disorder, has offered to treat Charlie.


“We’ve got the money, we’ve got our passports, we’ve got the Dr. who’s got the medication.. all you need is the chance,” writes Connie in a letter to her son.

Charlie has mitochondrial DNA depletion disorder, which means his cells can’t create the energy they need to survive. There is currently no cure for the disorder, but an orally administered treatment could repair his mitochondrial DNA and allow it to synthesize compounds needed to create energy. The medication would do this by providing compounds that naturally occur in the human body, but his body isn’t able to produce. The treatment has worked for another English boy, Maxwell, who wasn’t blocked from receiving it.


SNIP: That’s socialized medicine for you.

34 Comments on London Hospital Refuses to Allow Parents to Take Their Son For Life Saving Treatment In America

  1. Oh Hell No.
    If Lazlo had a sprout and some government bureaucrat told me that, I would use the Lazlo Death Punch on their face and they can scrape their face off the back of their skull

  2. Catch a train to Paris and book a flight after they arrive. My guess is their doctor’s have never heard of the Hypocratic oath. They function from rules and regulation and practice 19th Century medicine.

  3. “In her interview with Good Morning Britain, Connie was repeatedly told by host Piers Morgan and Sarah Jarvis, a doctor who also a guest on the show, that expert opinions overrule her rights as a parent.”

    I watched the clip. Toward the end (really for most of it), they talked about mom as if she weren’t even there.

    There’s unraveled grieving, and there are then rational efforts to do whatever is within a parent’s power to help. She is of the latter. I could not brook an administrator to presume the power to decide for me what is best. Kudos to mom for holding it together in the face of all this deadly nannyist assault.

  4. This perfectly illustrates the fact that socialists, communists, progs, etc. consider children the property of the government snd will dispose of them as they see fit.

    They say the baby is terminal, so what difference could it possibly make if the parents wish to make a last ditch effort to save him?!

  5. I’m thankful that I don’t live in a country that owns my kids, not that the Communist democRATS aren’t trying… and I’m not too sure about the Republicans anymore with their half-assed attempt at an Obamacare repeal!

  6. They don’t want to encourage expensive treatments, or get people’s hopes up. It’s a bean counter’s world and the little people’s lives are in the balance.

  7. As Hillary says, (stomping on parental rights)it takes a village to raise a child.
    She was wrong.
    England took it a step further, the state (country) will decide what’s best for your child, even if it kills them.
    Hell nor high water should impede the Parent’s efforts to treat their son.

  8. Single Payer =Total government monopoly on medical treatment. Rationed, granted or denied.
    This is what Single Payer Leftists are really advocating.
    Fools and Ghouls.
    The fools can’t see past “free”. The ghouls, like Gruber, know exactly the power they are seizing over their “subjects”.

    Anyone who’s lived in England knows endless people whose lives were cut short by decades because faceless death panels denied treatment, which includes systematically delaying examinations to make diagnoses while the untreated “patient” grows worse and dies. Solving the problem and closing the file.

    And Gruber is still free, living the good life. You’d think someone with terminal cancer would have gunned him down outside a chic restaurant by now.

  9. Very similar to the case from a few years ago when a Ct. child was taken to a Boston hospital with the flu during a visit. She also had a similar illness and the hospital refused to release the child. Accusing the parents of child abuse and her long time Ct. doctors of being incompetent. .

    Medical child kidnapping is so wide spread in America there’s an organization formed to combat it. .

  10. Death Panels in every socialist country. Cheap SOB’s with a bottom line problem
    and egos more important than another human being.
    Not sure how they live with themselves as co-conspirators to murder!
    Is America really sure they want Obamacare replaced? I doubt it.

  11. Who cares?! Just another white boy who will probably grow up to be a racist homophobe! I bet if the parents wanted to bring him to America to have a sex change The U.K. Would pay for the flight.

  12. Not allowed to?
    Last year we had an English relative bring a child from England to Florida for treatment of a rare brain tumor. The child is doing very well now.
    This is nothing more than very deranged people playing God with a child’s life.

  13. It’s my understanding the kid needs certain drugs and medical attention while in flight. Who gave the government the right to decide if the parents can spend their money to try and save their child. It’s not costing the “Collective” a dime. A Godless Government that needs to pay the price.

  14. Trying to save this child is bad public relations for socialized medicine. The London hospital is admitting they don’t have the time, the medical facilities or the personnel to do cutting edge treatment, but they can’t admit socialized medicine is failing because folks might want another system.

  15. Pride and fear perhaps. The Brit docs don’t want the American docs to possibly save the child???? American medicine vs. British gov healthcare???

    I’m trying to figure out how to follow the money in this situation. Maybe it is follow the pride instead.

  16. Wyatt, Insensitive Progressive Jerk

    I was dallying while writing my comment and didn’t see yours. You have said so eloquently what I was trying to spew out.

  17. People in the UK have been unhappy with the national health (or lack of it) service for a long time.
    So much so years ago someone thought if they made a movie wherein a grieving family member gets revenge against the people who control the national health system. It would be well received.

    The 2007 movie, Flawless, staring Michael Caine & Demi Moore. On the surface the movie is about the M. Caine character masterminding the thief of all the diamonds from the London Diamond Exchange.

    But his motive wasn’t wealth, it was revenge. Years earlier his wife was diagnosed with a mild form of cancer, which almost always is successfully cured if treated early.

    However. The NHS denies, well postpones, treatment till her cancer becomes advanced and she dies. The head of the London Diamond Exchange sets on a committee that controls NHS policy. Thereby becoming the target for revenge. .

  18. It makes me think about that time when Pence gave a speech, and was incredibly moved by a boy with a severe illness who asked him to support “The Right to Try” any medical procedure that might save his life.
    My argument against socialized medicine has alway been that when the government controls your health care, you get the health care that the Government thinks you need, regardless of what you or your doctor think… or *know*.
    It’s ironic that the E.U. might deny this young one a chance at life, but would graciously allow him his right to Assisted Suicide.

  19. And at the bottom of the page is a link to a story about two lesbians and their “struggle” to force their little boy to be gender neutral. Trying to pussify him into being a sub beta male.

    Child abuse in the name of political correctness is okay, but trying to save your child’s life isn’t according to the nanny state. Disgusting beyond all levels.

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