London knifeman was “devout Muslim”; neighbor says had no mental problems – IOTW Report

London knifeman was “devout Muslim”; neighbor says had no mental problems

JihadWatch: Immediately after the attack happened, British authorities said that the attacker had serious mental health issues and no link to terrorism. Now his neighbor has come forward and revealed that he had no mental health issues but a big interest in the Islamic State (ISIS).

The British (and U.S.) authorities try to obscure the motivating ideology of jihad terrorists every time there is a jihad attack. They are doing everything they can to keep their people from getting the idea that there is a jihad threat at all. This is a grave disservice to Britons and Americans, and the ignorance and complacency this strategy fosters endanger us all.

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17 Comments on London knifeman was “devout Muslim”; neighbor says had no mental problems

  1. The people that believe this guy had mental problems other then being a moslim are the same ones that believe unemployment is 4.6%, inflation is under 2%, the $400,000,000 was payback for an injustice done by the Shah, ZIRP is a healthy way to run an economy, Sotomayor is a brainiac, and Hillary didn’t lie about her____________.

    And that group is getting smaller by the minute so why do TPTB continue to gaslight us with this bullshit?

  2. If he had a Mental Health issue that should be easily verifiable.
    Records from hospitals, clinics, doctors, social workers, medications should be easy enough to track down.
    Ah, but, the catch! That information cannot be revealed!!!!
    Liberalism is a mental illness.

  3. Playing devils advocate… There are plenty of people with mental disorders but they don’t usually get a big knife and start chasing down westerners in tourist areas screaming Allah Akbar. I know, they scrubbed any mention of Allah but I bet it was screamed.

  4. We are drowning in a sea of Mendacity.
    Civilization, itself, is at risk because of this.

    America – the last bastion of rationality on Earth – BETTER WAKE THE FUCK UP, PRETTY SOON!

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Seems to me the reason for bringing in the muzzies is to justify mass surveillance on Americans. No other explanation justifies it. Islam isn’t a religion, it’s a political affiliation.

  6. Aside: I’ve read that there is no statistically significant correlation between mental illness and violent behavior. Sure, some mentally ill people do indeed become violent and/or commit suicide, but not at a rate higher than the general population control groups.

    Remember that the next time you hear that some pol or anti-gun wacko wants to link health care records to firearm purchase background checks. It’s a scam.

  7. That’s the question I’ve been asking, it can’t be just about surveillance. Why commit National suicide by importing all this terrorism in less there’s a purpose?
    Surveillances is about having something on everybody ultimately to control them. Importing all these people that are dangerous must be about creating chaos and then disarmament for our safety. Above all they know that the Ponzi scheme that they’ve been playing for years is going to stop and then everything hits the fan and they do not want an armed populous.

  8. @ Radioationman……yes, but most of them are in Minnesota, the land of my parents and cousins. The Minnesotans deserve them. Look who they vote for.

    I worry about myself, having 75% Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, and German ancestry. I hope genetics do not cause me to go badshit PC crazy as I age.

  9. Just as our gov’t pretended Benghazi on 9/11 had no significance, the Brits are claiming this attack by a Muslim in same place as their 9/11 which took place in the same Russell Square on 7/7 was coincidence

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