London Mayor Sadiq Khan wants President Trump visit canceled – IOTW Report

London Mayor Sadiq Khan wants President Trump visit canceled

Sadiq is a little butthurt because President Trump is a big meanie and has been throwing the terror problem right at Sadiq’s face.

I think Sadiq should just accept it,  get used to it.

The London mayor, Sadiq Khan, has called on the British government to cancel a planned state visit by Donald Trump after being criticised in two tweets by the US president.

Story at The  Guardian.


Hey, Sadiq, been watching any documentaries lately?

How did London Bridge killer Khuram Butt slip through the net despite being probed by cops and MI5 and filmed unfurling an ISIS flag?


More on this at The Mirror.

Italian media reports third London Bridge attacker was called Youssef Zaghba.

THE FINAL London Bridge attacker has today been revealed by terror cops as a Moroccan-Italian living in east London.

More on that at The Sun


What’s up with your people, Sadiq?

22 Comments on London Mayor Sadiq Khan wants President Trump visit canceled

  1. Sadiq can’t risk having President Trump show up and present to the people of London how a leader actually addresses the problem of islam and the steps that must be taken to bring back a sense of national security.

  2. What’s up with your law enforcement, UK? It’s convenient that all 3 had mugshots on file, so this wasn’t their first encounter with the cops. Catch, interrogate, release. Not a good strategy.

  3. And guess who’s side the media is on? Last night it was (paraphrasing) “why is Trump picking a fight….” on every station. Everything the President said was TRUE! Then it was immediately on to Russia! The media continues to commit treason by undermining our President and supporting the enemy in the defense of terrorists.

  4. What Khan said:

    Londoners will see an increased police presence today and over the course of the next few days. There’s no reason to be alarmed.

    What DJT said:

    At least seven dead and 48 wounded in terror attack and mayor of London says there is “no reason to be alarmed!”

    DJT’s comment is widely described as a “misquote” but it isn’t. He quoted Khan’s phrase exactly.

    What Khan meant was that the police were out in force and that the police presence was not reason to be alarmed.

    However, those police were out there in response to an Islamic terrorist attack that killed or wounded dozens. DJT jumped from the attack to being alarmed. That Khan included a stepping stone between the two is no reason to de-link them.

    So my conclusion is that DJT’s comment is a fair response to Khan’s comment, not an out-of-context distortion, nor a misquote.

  5. Trump is playing this guy well.

    Trump is the only one calling out the PC bullshit, and holding leaders accountable for the inaction and pacifying crap. He is going to continue to beat on him and the others like Merkel who are so arrogantly exposing their citizens to violence and death.

    They can disinvite all they want, he could give a shit less..what he wants is progress on all fronts, all pulling their weight against this Islamic scourge, the biggest threat to mankind.

  6. Khan’s a Muslim. Using tequiyah to advance the Islamic Conquest of Al-Britan is why the Muslim Brotherhood got him elected Mayor.

    Important practically to ensure the police stay hapless. Important symbolically to condition Brits to being ruled by a Muslim.

  7. I think DJT should issue an announcement that he agrees with Khan, that London is too violent and a visit at the present time would not be prudent. And urge ALL Americans not to visit London until the Islamic threat can be neutralized. Have State Departmnet issue travel advisories against London.

  8. The Mayor of London, just like the Mayor of New York, is a commie; an anti American asshole. Let’s hope that PM May and President Trump ignore them both. I am sure that there are many Britishers who admire President Trump. But you won’t hear it from Wolf Blitzer and his flock of fuckers.

  9. Notice that the American and British media are criticizing Trump and not the failed London Mayor, the Muslim, who told Londoners months ago that ” we have to learn to live with this.”? I mean WTF?

  10. I personally think that Trump should just cancel any trip to England at a time when they are mourning and dealing with a shit load of muzzies taking over the country after being practically invited. Trump doesn’t need a damn thing they have and is putting his life at risk by going there. And the lives of everyone with him. CANCEL. Fuck ’em, to hell with the stupid ass Brits.MAGA

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