London Police To ‘Prioritize’ Victims Who Are Non-English Speakers – IOTW Report

London Police To ‘Prioritize’ Victims Who Are Non-English Speakers


The London Metropolitan Police announced this weekend that “vulnerable” people will be prioritized over other victims of crime when they call up emergency lines.

Speaking to the press, Met Police deputy commissioner Craig Mackey said that people who suffer from learning difficulties, the elderly, and people who speak English as a second language or not at all will be prioritized.

He told London’s Evening Standard that it was “absolutely feasible” that these victims would be visited by police, while others will be placed lesser priority, adding that personnel cuts made it necessary.

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12 Comments on London Police To ‘Prioritize’ Victims Who Are Non-English Speakers

  1. England you had a good run, but it’s over. I’d suggest suicide by gun but it’s too late for that. Utilize the tall buildings, they say it’s quite euphoric and painless.

    Y’all are done.

  2. England is dead.

    My father flew in the Royal Air Force for England as a young Yank pilot. He and the
    other American pilots he arrived with, had no time for extensive training so they
    flew with manuals for their planes in their laps. He spoke frequently and reverently
    of the British people he encountered who were made of iron and steel.

    I miss him terribly, but I am so grateful he didn’t see any of what’s happening to
    England today. It would break him.

  3. He certainly is intent on taking care of all his ‘inbred’ brothers and sisters, isn’t He? You know, like the young, non-speaking, deformed man whom he sired via his youngest daughter?!?

  4. Burglary victims won’t even get a chance to defend themselves or call the cops. Because Hummus al Hummus needs the police to explain how to use the stove before he sets his ‘section 8’ apartment on fire in the no-go zone.

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