Lone CNN and MSNBC commentators forget the party line and admit Dems’ face-planting – IOTW Report

Lone CNN and MSNBC commentators forget the party line and admit Dems’ face-planting

American Thinker:

By Thomas Lifson

Each of the Trump-hating cable news networks yesterday broadcast commentary that contradicted  the otherwise-mandatory narrative hyping the purported moral and political victories of the Democrats. Spontaneous truth-telling is unusual when it is unfavorable to the donkeys, so seeing two incidents in one day is worth noting.

On CNN, Jeff Zucker must have been taking a brief break when the channel’s legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin told viewers that “Trump won” and “that’s how history will remember” this third presidential impeachment in history: MORE

10 Comments on Lone CNN and MSNBC commentators forget the party line and admit Dems’ face-planting

  1. Trump drew over 7,000 in Des Moines, completely filling the largest arena available with many 100s more unable to get in, watching on big screen TVs in 20 degree weather.

    Yet over at my favorite lunatic site, CommonDreams, Bernie drawing 3,000 was top of the fold news in big, bold type.

    Looks like Bernie is either going to get another royal fookin’ or he’s going to get the nod. Either way that spells really bad news for the DNC.

    I think the videos of the REgressive talking heads on election night will be even better then the ones from 2016.

  2. Bernard will never be allowed to be the nominee, he will be grifted out of it again by the Lizard Queen who has already installed her minions at the levers of power on the required DNC committees.

    Only the Lizard Queen is allowed to be nominee, Bern will be induced into another heart attack aka “Brietbarted” and Joe will depart the race within the month. Take it to the bank.

    Bloomy is just there to bankroll the grift.


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