Long-awaited GA report admits in writing what we already knew – IOTW Report

Long-awaited GA report admits in writing what we already knew


Mark your calendars, folks, because May 7th could be a big day in the Peach State now that a long-awaited report on the 2020 election has been completed and found—you guessed it—election violations. How many or how serious, we don’t know yet. The findings from the report are set to be discussed at the May 7th election board meeting. Could this spell the end for the 2020 election “fair election” peddlers? Those government bootlickers who’ve spent so much energy trying to convince the American public that 2020 was the most fair and transparent election in US history? Time will tell.

Here’s what reporter Emerald Robinson said about the report: more

6 Comments on Long-awaited GA report admits in writing what we already knew

  1. As with many states, the Election Boards/Commissions are Political appointees. Some Boards/Commissions equally distributed to Political Parties.
    Georgia’s Election Board members are appointed 1 by the Governor, 1 by the Democrat Party, 1 by the Republican Party, 1 by the House, 1 by the Senate and the Secretary of State is an Ex Officio member.

    Most State Boards are generally “do nothing Boards” and appointed as political favors. Their staff investigations and findings are perfunctory.

    Don’t expect any results that aren’t already known and no significant or measurable changes that may occur before the 2024 elections.

  2. My prediction.

    “While some errors were found, it wasn’t even close to an amount that would have affect the results. No reasonable prosecutor, blah, blah, blah.”
    Now sit down and STFU you ignorant election deniers or I’ll sic the FBI on you in the middle of the night.


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