Long-Term Use Of Statins Linked To Heart Disease: Studies – IOTW Report

Long-Term Use Of Statins Linked To Heart Disease: Studies

Zero Hedge:

For decades, statins have been heralded as the reliable heroes in the battle against heart disease, the leading cause of death in the United States and globally. However, this seemingly flawless reputation has been called into question.

A new expert review suggests that long-term use of statins may be inadvertently aiding the enemy by accelerating coronary artery calcification instead of providing protection.

The review, published in Clinical Pharmacology, suggests statins may act as “mitochondrial toxins,” impairing muscle function in the heart and blood vessels by depleting coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), an antioxidant cells use for growth and maintenance. Multiple studies show statins inhibit CoQ10 synthesis, leading many patients to supplement.

CoQ10 is vital for producing ATP, the cell’s fundamental energy carrier. Insufficient CoQ10 inhibits ATP production, resulting in an energy deficit that the review authors say “could be a major cause for heart muscle and coronary artery damage.

We believe that many years of statin drug therapy result in the gradual accumulation of mitochondrial DNA damage,” according to the authors.

A 2022 study published in Biophysical Journal linked reduced ATP to heart failure.

A 2008 study published in BioFactors reaffirms the statin–CoQ10 link. Researchers evaluated 50 statin patients for side effects like fatigue and muscle pain. All then stopped statins and supplemented CoQ10 for 22 months on average. more here

25 Comments on Long-Term Use Of Statins Linked To Heart Disease: Studies

  1. I was just reading they’ve been experimenting with an amino branch peptide to replace Statins and have had pretty good results. But big pharma is not involved so what are the odds. They’re doing some amazing stuff with peptides.

  2. It to the NATURAL FOOD/supplement folks to EXPOSE the dangers of these horrible drugs and to promote COQ10 supplementation to counter their damage. BigPharma once again killing people for profit.

  3. If you want to remain healthy keep your weight down, get at least some exercise every day and do not, I repeat do not do what the health care experts tell you.
    Eat red meat, eggs, drink coffee and refuse long term prescriptions.

  4. Eat grass fed beef, salmon patties (wild caught only), olive oil, grass fed butter and cut out other fats and reduce weight and your good cholesterol with go way up, I know! Eat those meat products and fish like once wk. But no regular fats, no hydrogenated anything. Only non-hydrogenated peanut butter, Jif makes one

  5. We’re made out of peptides, Brad.

    Also, dee is right, imo. Eat 𝙙𝙞𝙜𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙗𝙡𝙚 fats. Add coconut oil to that list of pretty healthy vegetable oils.

    Studying the chemistry of fats is a good investment of time.

  6. Been a cardiologist for 50 years. There is no link between blood fats and heart disease. You were lied to. Statins lowering cholesterol does nothing, they do have a minor influence on the inflammatory factor that is the real reason for heart attacks and stroke. Diet modification does nothing unless you are eating low carbs and losing weight. Exercise is the only real thing we have to reduce the problem as it reduces the inflammation. Oh, stents and surgery do little except under particular circumstances. Forgot, statins have a wide range of complications such as death, diabetes, and dementia.

  7. I have read this for years and tried to get my husband off his. A simple solution for him is to avoid alcohol.
    Going back to the time prior to statins the ‘normal ranges’ for cholesterol levels were much more generous than they are today and studies showed no ill effects. With the entry of each statin on the market the medical community kept tightening the normal range. As a result more people were prescribed statins and sales soared.

    What a racket driven by an untrustworthy medical mob with $$ instead of eyes. Lately friends with slightly elevated cholesterol have been prescribed statins with no other options offered. Several have tried Super Beets or any Beet powder and found their cholesterol lowered after 6-8 weeks. It certainly beats taking a harmful pharmaceutical. Apparently medical professionals also forget that cholesterol is needed for cell wall integrity and other functions.

    Should I ever have high cholesterol I will refuse statins. Also will refuse the poison offered for osteoporosis. It’s a bunch of crap to give meds that cause your jaw bone to disintegrate

  8. “May,” “could be,” “we believe.”

    Not very definite.
    Call back when you “know.”

    “They can’t live without their heads” is a definite statement of fact.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Eugenia, my wife broke her ankle, and her podiatrist recommended a bone density scan, which said she had something they call “osteopenia”. Seems Pfarma created Osteopenia to insinuate a precursor to Osteoporosis, and ease frightened people onto the Drug Wagon.

    Of course, my wife freaked out, but fortunately, the teledoc recommended nothing more than calcium and D3. But now they’ve got her on the bone density Testing Train. I predict that, in spite of her best efforts, she’ll never be declared free of Osteopenia.

    Same thing with the Colon. I told her the ColoGuard test will find her precancerous because she’s never been tested. It’s how they scare you into the colonoscopy, which will always find evil polyps. And then they’ll want to check again and again for years.

    Eventually, as people age, all of these various test results will get worse and worse, likely leading to pfarma solutions. IMO, most “preventative care” is a racket based on fear. If you just be sensible, don’t worry, and expect some of the things which come with aging, you’ll generally be happier and healthier. And try not to get on the Test Train. It may be hard to get off.

  10. Let’s see –
    – the jab wrecks the immune system causing the vaxxed and boosted to get covid
    – the so-called cure for osteoporosis can destroy your jaw or give you a fractured femur – WTF
    – and now, statins to prevent heart disease are linked to heart disease

    and I’m sure there are more like these. I don’t know about you but at my doctor, it is Opposite Day – whatever they say, I do the opposite. I lost 50 pounds on a low carb diet eating eggs and beef, mainly, stopped eating processed foods and seed oils (canola, soybean etc) and switched to butter and olive oil – and my doctor told me to eat a low fat diet – and I was like sure, thanks for nothing

  11. Thirdtwin

    The cure for Osteoporosis, particularly in women, is resistance training. Lifting weights. It’s well documented. If big pharma could put it in a bottle you’d probably hear a lot more about it.

  12. On the byproducts of digesting carbohydrates… should convince you to reduce your intake of them.

    Except for bread! I can’t quit it! Who’s gonna make me a sammich?

  13. I’m not getting the osteoporosis shots. Dr gave up on convincing me. All I needed to read was the jaw thing plus instead of breaking a bone, it’ll shatter into fragments.

    I’ve always been borderline with my cholesterol and I got sick of being told Lipitor was in my future.

    Nope. Started rowing 4.5K 5 days a week and lowered my cholesterol 38 points. Of course, the holidays make working out tough, but I’ll be back at it after the New Year.

    My liberal friends just take the pill or the jab and question anything.

  14. to “Stop the World”, Yes, exactly my story. I did the total opposite of my evil heart doc and got better. For me, the proof was his waiting room full of very sick pukes. Long term patients. Obviously no one was recovering from whatever they were dishing out. He ordered me to get a stent, I did not. Ordered me to take 5 different powerful Rx, I took none. Ordered me to eat no beef or eggs or salt, I did the opposite and only ate meat, fish and eggs with plenty of salt. Ordered me to eat “Whole grains”, so I ate none. ON and on. Now 5 years later I am totally recovered.

  15. Illustr8r

    That’s awesome. I meant to add above that it’s doesn’t take much. You don’t need to train like Flex Wheeler. 3 days a week, light resistance, twenty reps. Right after I got done with the Cancer Crap my kids bought me one of those Chuck Norris contraptions. I was like, yea right. But my wife lives on the damn thing. For the average person getting up there in years I can’t recommend them enough. They will improve the hell out of your quality of life. I can’t stress enough you gotta work them wheels. The first thing to go on your average old codger is their legs. You gotta work legs.
    And yes, your average Doctor has been full of shit for a long time. I’m saying late 80’s.

  16. FFS, of course, one of the drugs that was mentioned as a COVID preventer. I never got COVID, haven’t been sick since I started vaping instead of smoking in 2012.

    Getting tired of this Lucy and the Football shit. 🤬

  17. A doctor gave a man six months to live. The man couldn’t pay his bill, so the doctor gave him another six months. When I told my doctor that I couldn’t afford an operation, he offered to touch up my x-rays. I told my doctor I broke my leg in two places. He told me to quit going to those places.


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