Longest Living Human Says He Just Wants To Die – IOTW Report

Longest Living Human Says He Just Wants To Die

CommonSenseEvaluation: The longest living human ‘says he is ready for death at 145.

An Indonesian man who claims to be the longest living human in recorded history has described how he “just wants to die.”

Mbah-Gotho world's oldest

Mbah Gotho, from Sragen in central Java, was born on December 31, 1870, according to the date of birth on his identity card.

Now officials at the local record office say they have finally been able to confirm that remarkable date as genuine.


17 Comments on Longest Living Human Says He Just Wants To Die

  1. My neighbor’s dad was like that. Still sharp as a tack at 98, his body was failing apart and he sorely missed his wife of almost 70 years. At 99 he shucked his mortal coil and joined his Lord and his wife.

    A fine Christian gentleman, at age 92 he shot a crack addict who tried to break into his house to rob him (Syracuse’s south side). He visited the crackhead in the hospital and bought him a bible. His wife died shortly thereafter and since the neighborhood he lived in was being taken over by gangs he moved into his daughter’s house. I still have the .38 holster that he gave me.

  2. My old hometown had a celebration for a local old-timer for his 100th birthday. He was asked if there were any more goals that he needed to reach. “I want to make it to a hundred and three”.
    Sure enough, three days later, he kicked the bucket.

  3. Sir, I realize you must be tired, but may I suggest you cradle someone’s young baby in your arms while gazing into it’s face before you choose to take a planned exit? It does wonders.

  4. Interesting; the oldest man in the world managed to get a photo ID and he lives in a third world nation!

    I’m betting it is a lot easier and cheaper for American voters to do so. Liberal excuses just can’t hold sand.

  5. In 1870 Ulysses Grant was our president.

    Good grief, if i’d seen America devolve from electing Ulysses Grant to electing Obama TWICE, I’d probably want to check out too.

  6. It says “islam” on his jihadi ID. Maybe he knows the truth about the 72 virgins and delayed death as long as he could stand.

    @marleenna1959, he’s probably tired of people smacking those things around like punching bags. lol

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