Longtime Democrat NY Assemblyman vows support for GOP until top Dems knock off the insanity – IOTW Report

Longtime Democrat NY Assemblyman vows support for GOP until top Dems knock off the insanity


A Democratic New York State lawmaker announced he would be supporting the GOP until Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer can “restore sanity and honesty” to the party.

New York State Assemblyman Dov Hikind criticized Schumer in a letter blasting the New York Democrat for a fundraising mailer filled with attacks on President Trump.

The longtime Democrat from Brooklyn, who is not seeking re-election, revealed how the “letter was riddled with attacks on the ‘hard right’ but omitted vital information,” according to a post on Hikind’s Facebook page. MORE


6 Comments on Longtime Democrat NY Assemblyman vows support for GOP until top Dems knock off the insanity

  1. I was just telling my international jet setting mate today, “Trump’s gonna win over a bunch of people before he’s done.”

    WELL LOOKEE HERE!!! At least the dem’s calling BULLSHIT on Schitschumer.

  2. Schumer has been the long established crazy idea generator of the Democrats, but they continue to follow him blindly over his self designed cliff. Maybe he was dropped on his head as a child and something came loose and now the hands on the clock are finishing him off.

  3. Removing the democrats (or republicans, for that matter) won’t restore honesty in government. You have to not only drain the swamp, you have to indict, prosecute, and jail the members of the swamp indefinitely.

    Only then will future swamp creatures take notice.


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