Longtime US Senate Democrat Ben Cardin to Retire After Decades of Service – IOTW Report

Longtime US Senate Democrat Ben Cardin to Retire After Decades of Service

RTM: As the 2024 election cycle approaches, there is increasing pressure for the Old Guard to step down. Calls for Mitch McConnell, Nancy Pelosi, and Diane Feinstein have recently made headlines. On Monday, long-term Democrat Senator Ben Cardin (MD) announced he would not seek re-election. Cardin is 79.

Cardin announced his intent to step down via Twitter: “I am proud of all I have done for Maryland. I have given my heart and soul to our great state, and I thank Marylanders for trusting me as your representative for all these years. Thank you, Maryland.” more

13 Comments on Longtime US Senate Democrat Ben Cardin to Retire After Decades of Service

  1. The only thing is, and this might be hard to believe but my little crap-hole state of Maryland will send an even bigger piece of garbage to the senate than Cardin. The Repubes are trying to recruit Lock Down Larry Hogan to run but he’s as big a POS as Cardin is. And the DemocRATS in this state well……….

  2. The ‘checks and balances’ on politicians are to be found at the ballot box.

    Too damn bad for US the voting system has been grossly corrupted.

  3. “Service” is a person who puts their life on the line for the rest of us for a salary that does not make him or her anything more than middle class.

  4. FDR in Hell,
    Any word on Ben?
    If he’s retiring, it ain’t cuz he got tired of graft, treason, and corruption!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. The headline sums it up perfect, “After DECADES of service”. Term limits for everyone of them. both parties. Over 70 years old? No chance. Mandatory retirement.

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