Look, but don’t touch! – IOTW Report

Look, but don’t touch!

Global Warming Mania: Government School Forbids Children From Touching Snow.


They’re Going to Make Us… Happy?

Let’s face it, there’s a lot of unhappiness in the world. But now, at long last, the United Nations is going to do something about it.

Last month at the World Government Summit in Dubai, Real Smart Globalists launched (trumpet fanfare) the World Happiness Council, dedicated to making the whole world happy. It will be funded mostly by the UN, which means mostly by the defenseless American taxpayer. And it will make us happy whether we want it or not. As Sheikh Somebody said, “The role of governments is to bring happiness to their peoples.”

No, this is not a satire.

Seated on the 12-creature board of the World Happiness Council will be some Western college professors, a few Muslim bigwigs, and a former Bulgarian communist jailer—all experts in the art of making people happy, or else. You’d think it might be a thankless task, but you’d be wrong. The world is already moving in the direction of universal happiness through various forms of—well, what they always rely on: strict coercion.

Universal happiness is going to climax with the grand-daddy of all leftid pipe dreams, the Universal Basic Income—free money doled out to people, no strings attached, just for existing. It’s an idea that really picked up a lot of steam, for some reason we can’t possibly imagine, during the Obama era. Hey, soon robots are gonna be doing all the work, anyway, so why not pay everybody for sitting around playing video games?

But before everybody in the world can enter a life of uninterrupted leisure, something has to be done about making them happy while they still have to—ugh!—work. A Swedish company has found the answer to that question: compulsory exercise. Every Friday, all the employees must go to the gym for compulsory yoga.

How compulsory? As the company president explains, “If you don’t want to exercise or be part of the company culture, you have to go.” ‘Cause exercise makes you happy, see, and everybody doing the same thing at the same time, all in the bosom of the company culture, is what leftids call diversity. And it’s something to do while waiting for the Universal Basic Income to kick in.

Throughout history, disease and injury have led to much unhappiness. So from now on, disease and injury must be avoided—especially by children. A happy world has happy children.  more here

22 Comments on Look, but don’t touch!

  1. Water is allowed to be enjoyed only in its liquid form.
    Ice, snow, steam and water vapors are to be avoided.
    Clouds must not be discussed or have your selfish tyranny imposed on them by deciding what they ‘look’ like.

  2. I thought if you forbade something that it became more tempting. Such as sex, or snow.

    Do I detect the vague outlines of a new crisis for governments to solve? Snow privilege?

    Students who touch snow may feel empowered by “joy” and take control of it by picking it up and throwing it, or by lying down and making dubious religious-themed “snow angels”. Such behavior must be discouraged as it excludes students who may not be able to pick up snow or lie in it. Moreover, those living in snow prone areas may feel a sense of wonder and delight which is denied to children in snow-deprived areas, thus leading to feelings of jealousy, anxiety, fear, or anger.

    Children should regard snow merely as a meteorological phenomenon and not view it as the cause of emotional reactions such as wonder, awe, ecstasy etc.

    Love of snow is just a secret wish for white supremacy. There I said it!

  3. What else would you expect from a group of clowns? And a clown committee to run it. Perfection.

    Don’t the Clowns of the UN realize that people HATE clowns, almost as much as they hate the UN and it’s jackboot thug Blue Hats?

    Oh, that’s a stupid question. Leftist bastard bullies don’t give a damn what the minions want. ‘Send In The Clowns’

  4. I suddenly have this vision, of the UN doling out “happy endings” across the land…

    … ruined in TYPICAL U.N. bureaucratic fashion, by the fact, that Hillary would be the one GIVING them! 😮 😮 😮

  5. A few years back, one of my kids was in kindergarten and, on the playground in winter, she was hit by a snowball. The little boy who threw it wasn’t aiming at her, but rather a fence (he liked to watch the snowballs explode against the fence). She just happened to run through his line of fire. The snowball, er,…I mean, cisgendered heteronormative white male privileged weapon, had a chunk of ice in it. When it came into contact with my little girl’s head at the speed of patriarchy, it split her head open, and I had to run her to the doctor to get a few stitches. And then, she lived.

    I can TOTALLY see why snow is so dangerous/sarc.


    -Official UN Happiness Deputy Commissar

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