Look what happens if there’s a TIE in Nevada – IOTW Report

Look what happens if there’s a TIE in Nevada


ABW: Some people were surprised to learn that ties in the Iowa Democrat caucuses were decided by a coin toss. It struck some as strange that such an important decision as who will be president of the United State might be left to chance — and even more curious that Hillary Clinton won all six tosses.

However, when it comes to Las Vegas, a city that thrives on games of chance, perhaps it seems only natural that ties in tomorrow’s Democrat caucus will be decided by …
a deck of cards.

8 Comments on Look what happens if there’s a TIE in Nevada

  1. BS or HRC?

    A Fascist or a National Socialist?

    A Communist or a Socialist?

    A Demonratic Socialist or a Social Demonrat?

    A Thieving Liar or a Lying Thief?

    Every election is a crap-shoot.
    You never get what’s advertised.

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