Looks like Christopher Steele has cut a deal and will turn state’s evidence on Russia Hoax prosecutions – IOTW Report

Looks like Christopher Steele has cut a deal and will turn state’s evidence on Russia Hoax prosecutions




I don’t think it is a coincidence that just as President Trump is in the U.K., we suddenly learn that “dossier” author Christopher Steele has agreed to be questioned by U.S. authorities.  Chuck Ross of The Daily Caller reports:

Former British spy Christopher Steele has agreed to meet in London with U.S. officials regarding the dossier, The Times of London is reporting.

A source close to Steele told the newspaper he plans to meet with American authorities within the next several weeks, but only about his interactions with the FBI and only with the approval of the British government.

Steele’s decision is an apparent about-face from his reported refusal to meet with U.S. investigators regarding his infamous report.

Reuters reported in May that Steele was unwilling to meet with a federal prosecutor who Attorney General William Barr tapped to lead an investigation into the origins of the Russia probe. And Politico reported on April 17 that Steele was refusing to meet with the Justice Department’s office of the inspector general, which is looking into the FBI’s use of the dossier to obtain surveillance warrants against Carter Page, a Trump campaign adviser.

I have all along believed that part of President Trump’s mission in the U.K. was winning over British support for fully outing the role of its intelligence services in the Russia Hoax.  He would have to guarantee that the overall relationship will remain sound even if highly embarrassing facts come to light.  While speaking with outgoing P.M. May was necessary, she will soon be replaced.  I do not discount the importance of his 90-minute private conversation with Queen Elizabeth.  The next P.M. cannot take office without going to her for permission, and in that conversation she is fully capable of laying out her expectations that this affair be made public to the extent that President Trump demands.  The serene continuation of the Special Relationship with the U.S. is precisely the sort of institutional matter of utmost importance that a British monarch has a legitimate and important voice on.


13 Comments on Looks like Christopher Steele has cut a deal and will turn state’s evidence on Russia Hoax prosecutions

  1. So will anything actually come from it, as in anyone being prosecuted and paying the penalty for the lies that have damaged our nation so much?

    Meanwhile, Pelosi is calling for the prosecution and imprisonment of Trump.

  2. Pelosi can threaten all she wants but I’d rather be holding Trumps position right now than her and her cohorts. More than speaking from a strong position she’s showing nervous desperation.

  3. Ignore every use of the word “impeach” until the Democrats hold a majority in both House and Senate. Until then, all they’re doing is ginning up voter froth in advance of the election but it seems many D voters understand just enough of both the rules of impeachment and Mueller’s fraud that they know it’s more Pelosi BS and they ain’t buying it.

    Prediction: landslide for Trump? Don’t know but you may see record low D turnout despite much D fraud, with Trump pulling a Reagan ’84 and coming in with more votes than last time. I hope.

    Also…a continued sharp drop in manufactured riots, as the Left knows Obama and Holder aren’t in power to have their backs and selectively enforce laws anymore.

  4. If the House Impeaches, but the Senate does not convict, there will be such a row raised by the usual suspects on the MSM on how the Senate isn’t doing their duty, etc.

  5. “Definition of state’s evidence. : a participant in a crime or an accomplice who gives evidence for the prosecution especially in return for a reduced sentence also : the evidence given —used chiefly in the phrase turn state’s evidence.”

    Steele got paid nicely for his lies, let’s see how all of this rolls out. I bet all those involved are crapping in their Depends right now. Make them all poor and living in a hut. They’ll have Bubba as their jailmate for a while. I think I’ll send Comey some Vaseline.

  6. Let them howl and screech like retarded apes. They’ll do that anyway no matter what.

    “High crimes and misdemeanors” are not specifically defined in the Constitution so the Democrats have to make that case VERY carefully, else they risk pissing off a majority of the nation that is tired of all this and does not want to listen to four more years of hyped media lies that waste everyone’s time and go nowhere. Result: backfire at the polls if they do impeach.

    Meanwhile, the only guaranteed Democrat voting base – insane Leftists – are demanding they impeach no matter what. Result: backfire at the polls if they don’t.

    And all Trump has to do is sit back, say nothing, and watch as his enemies bury themselves.

    The Left is truly between the literal rock and the hard place.

  7. As soon as Steele talks, that should be it. No more “deals cut” for anyone else. It should be deeply embarrassing to DoJ if they cannot make a case against the rest of them with all the material and investigations that they already have. Everyone is sick of these special deals for the perps. It’s as though the only way, anymore, that anyone gets charged with anything is when prosecutors get a full confession with all the details from the perps — and then they walk because of immunity from prosecution. It’s like a murderer saying, “Sure, I’ll tell you where the bodies are buried, but I want to cut a deal that keeps me out of jail.”


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