Loomer: Nikki Haley Is An Anchor Baby Who Is Unqualified To Be US President – IOTW Report

Loomer: Nikki Haley Is An Anchor Baby Who Is Unqualified To Be US President

2011 article by National Review defended Nikki Haley in response to a Daily Beast article that contained a slideshow featuring Nikki Haley. Per the National Review, “[t]he Daily Beast has a really pathetic slideshow on famous “anchor babies” like Colin Powell and Nikki Haley.” The Daily Beast has since updated their article in 2017 to make the title politically correct as “Famous Children of Immigrants: Nikki Haley, Walt Disney & More (Photos).” The National Review argues that Nikki Haley is not an anchor baby since her parents immigrated to the United States legally as opposed to anchor babies born in the United States from immigrants that came to the United States illegally.

Google search of “anchor baby” returned a result from Oxford dictionary which states the term as offensive and defined as “used to refer to a child born to a noncitizen mother in a country which has birthright citizenship, especially when viewed as providing an advantage to family members seeking to secure citizenship or legal residency.”

So, is Nikki Haley an Anchor Baby? I’ll let you decide. If the shoe fits, wear it.

However, this same subject along with the issue of her eligibility for POTUS appeared in a September 2015 edition of The State featured on thestate.comThe State is a South Carolina based Newspaper. The article mentioned that in her short lived run for POTUS in 2015, Nikki Haley’s eligibility for the office of the President and Vice President was questioned. A quote provided to The State from Haley’s Office stated:

“Haley’s parents were Indian immigrants who did not become U.S. citizens until after her birth in 1972. Her father, Ajit Randhawa, became a naturalized U.S. citizen in 1978, Haley’s office said. Her mother, Raj Randhawa, became a U.S. citizen in 2003, a year before Haley won a seat in the S.C. House.” MORE

14 Comments on Loomer: Nikki Haley Is An Anchor Baby Who Is Unqualified To Be US President

  1. If the Swamp wants her there is no way she will get an unfavorable ruling (John Roberts anyone) from fellow Swampers. She has to be beaten. Only one man in place to do so, and I’m not referring to Biden.

  2. This is another piece of the U.S. Constitution that is simply wrong:

    No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

    First, there’s no clear definition of “natural born Citizen” and contemporary understanding of the term isn’t well established. But worse is that the wording allows logic-choppers to point out that today no one is eligible because no one alive today was alive “at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution.” We may know what was meant, but when writing laws you really have to write what you mean. This fails.

    In the absence of a clarifying or correcting constitutional amendment, or a SCOTUS decision making it clear once and for all, then anybody can stand up and blow hot air about whether somebody such as Haley is eligible or not.

  3. The Supreme Court did actually rule on “natural born” long ago. Bottom line – anyone who is born to a US citizen is considered “natural born” where ever the birth occurs. Obama and John McCain are two. Obama because of his mother. McCain was born in Panama when his father was stationed there.


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