Loretta Lynch’s law firm tied to Hillary Clinton – IOTW Report

Loretta Lynch’s law firm tied to Hillary Clinton

loretta lynch baier

WND:NEW YORK – It’s well known that if the FBI recommends prosecution in the Hillary Clinton email case, the decision will be put in the hands of Attorney General Loretta Lynch.

But little known is the fact that Lynch was a litigation partner for eight years at a major Washington law firm that served the Clintons.

Lynch was with the Washington-headquartered international law firm Hogan & Hartson LLP from March 2002 through April 2010.

According to documents Hillary Clinton’s first presidential campaign made public in 2008, Hogan & Hartson’s New York-based partner Howard Topaz was the tax lawyer who filed income tax returns for Bill and Hillary Clinton beginning in 2004.
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15 Comments on Loretta Lynch’s law firm tied to Hillary Clinton

  1. Well, duh!

    Seriously, is anyone so fuckin stupid as to believe that the DoJ has anything to do with “Justice?”
    Or that a Demonrat Attorney General appointed by a Demonrat Preznit has any sense of morality or justice? It would recuse itself, immediately, if it had any integrity, whatsoever. That it hasn’t is proof positive of corruption.

    Get fuckin real!

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. cato, Hillary’s lawyer is David Kendall, the same guy who plea-bargained Gen. Petraeus down to misdemeanors. So Hillary is covered from both sides of the bar.

  3. They write, “It’s well known that if the FBI recommends prosecution in the Hillary Clinton email case, the decision will be put in the hands of Attorney General Loretta Lynch.”

    Oh what a wagonload of bullshit.

    When she took this job, she swore fealty to Obama/Jarrett. She’ll do whatever the fuck they tell her to do.

    The one wild card as I see it is Comey. I don’t believe, with the mountain of evidence and lies, that he’ll fall short of recommending indictment. If he does, The FBI will be stained for a generation and I’ll bet there would be an avalanche of leaks like we’ve never ever seen.

  4. Lynch wasn’t chosen for her good looks!

    She was chosen because she’s a reliable affirmative action socialist hack, negro, and female – to facilitate Senate approval – and to continue Holder’s racist policies as well as run interference for Obola and the Bolsheviks.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. MM,
    The FBI was caught manufacturing evidence at their vaunted “crime labs” and it didn’t “stain” their reputation. Comey can’t be trusted any further than any other political hack rising to the top of the fetid cesspool that is DC.

    He wouldn’t be there if he wasn’t corrupt.

    Never would have been appointed.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. MM,
    Not cynical – realistic. You are, of course, free to believe whatever you like, or whatever helps you to maintain your sanity in a world gone mad, but the fact is that the FBI has been used for political purposes since its inception.

    Not in every case, of course … just some …

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. The fact that (some of) the FBI recommends prosecution, shows that they are in fact being held back from doing the job the tax payers are paying them to do, because of the anti-America political bias in the 0bama administration.
    If that criminal bitch is that big of a threat to America that the FBI thinks she should be prosecuted, and the People agree, then by all means that bitch should be prosecuted. What the hell is the hold up?

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