Lori Lightfoot when pressed on crime ‘solutions’ suggests struggling street vendors stop using cash – IOTW Report

Lori Lightfoot when pressed on crime ‘solutions’ suggests struggling street vendors stop using cash

BPR: Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot is coming up with “concrete solutions” for rampant crime in her city, but her constituents might not feel any safer.

Lightfoot appeared to be quite proud of her “solution,” prefacing it by calling out “rhetoric” and “sound bytes” that don’t offer any real answers for her ailing community during a mayoral debate. Watch

11 Comments on Lori Lightfoot when pressed on crime ‘solutions’ suggests struggling street vendors stop using cash

  1. I could end the Goddamned bullshit yesterday. Change the law to allow anyone who experiences any theft to deduct the entire amount from 1) Their local property tax bill 2) have the State tax of their choosing refunded to them and if still not made whole 3) deduct the amount from their federal income tax and all three are still fair game in future years until the entire amount has been recovered. Of course, the money would first have to reimburse your insurance underwriters, but only after you have been made whole for any amount that was not covered and your deductibles. But that would drive personal property insurance rates down.

    I can guarantee you that the shit would stop immediately, if not sooner.

  2. It is known and has been known for a long time how to stop this shit cold. The reason it persists is because it doesn’t affect those who fancy themselves the ruling class. Change that and there will be a paradigm shift in how criminal activity is dealt with and the bullshit will stop.

  3. Beetlejuice isn’t going anywhere, because she was put in place to destroy, no less than LA’s DA Gascon, Biden, Obama, Pelosi, NY’s idiot mayor, and now LA’s idiot mayor, not to mention Grechen Whitmer and NY’s insane governor. And, of course, the fake governor of AZ.

    And we’re standing by and watching.


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