Los Alamitos, California votes to reject sanctuary State law – IOTW Report

Los Alamitos, California votes to reject sanctuary State law

FOX: A Southern California town council rebelled Monday night and voted to reject the state’s sanctuary law.

Los Alamitos Council members voted 4-1 to opt out of a state law that limits cooperation between local police and federal immigration agents.

The law, signed by Gov. Jerry Brown last year and became effective on Jan. 1, includes prohibiting state and local police agencies from informing federal authorities in cases when illegal immigrants facing deportation are released from detention.


Los Alamitos’ adopted ordinance claims the new state law “may be in direct conflict with federal laws and the Constitution.” The council, therefore, “finds that it is impossible to honor our oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States,” if they do not opt out of it.

The vote caused diverse reactions among over 150 people participating in the council meeting.

“They are asserting their right to ensure the constitutional remains the main law of the land,” Arthur Schaper, who supported the motion, told Fox Los Angeles.

Moti Cohen, an immigrant from Israel, said he came to the U.S. legally and that everyone should follow that path too. He became a legal resident after marrying his American wife. MORE

ht Bob.

10 Comments on Los Alamitos, California votes to reject sanctuary State law

  1. There is a lot of anger in Southern California. We are made to suffer urine and feces on every piece of pavement or dirt.
    Our beautiful state has turned ugly because of the progressives. I’m behind enemy lines, and I’m not alone. I know lots of people who are under the radar.


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