Los Angeles Becomes First US City To Hit $6 Gas Average – IOTW Report

Los Angeles Becomes First US City To Hit $6 Gas Average


Average gas prices in Los Angeles hit $6 per gallon on Tuesday, making it the first city in the United States to break the milestone.

Gas price recording website GasBuddy announced that Los Angeles hit $6 even as national average prices ticked down slightly from their peak of $4.35 per gallon on March 10, Fox 5 reported.

The price of gas has surged over the past year as the Biden administration has presided over 40-year high inflation. Costs at the pump skyrocketed even further in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which saw global markets disrupted and many countries boycott Russian gas. read more

7 Comments on Los Angeles Becomes First US City To Hit $6 Gas Average

  1. Elections have consequences – even STOLEN elections!

    Ya’ll wanted that Noisome Guvner and that corrupt Mayor?
    Ya’ll got em!

    Eat Shit and Like It!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. LBS,

    Same up here. ($1.74 per Litre)
    I just tell them, “Congrats, You Voted for this.”

    And there is another Carbon Tax increase coming on April 1st.

  3. I live in Los Angeles (around 40 miles north west of Los Angeles), not by choice, and I can tell you we hit that $6 months ago, and the media here did not report it. They only started to report it after it was reported everywhere else that prices are going up.
    In some places it is close to $7.
    One thing I can tell you, I don’t plan to retire here in this communist cesspool.
    There is no end in sight for what California is going through. We have a retarded/evil governor, retarded/evil democrat controlled legislator office, a state full of one dimensional millennial progressive emotional entitled snowflakes, perpetually outraged losers demanding free stuff, race hustling, forcing the lgbt mafia agenda on the rest of us, while they won’t live by their own rules. Out of control illegals, out of control crime, bad/terrible schools, and the state is dead last in quality of life among 50 states, and the highest taxes on record.
    So yes, they deserve it, but unfortunately, that is dragging the rest of us down with them.

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