Los Angeles County Officials Announce Three Week Stay-at-Home Order – IOTW Report

Los Angeles County Officials Announce Three Week Stay-at-Home Order

Breitbart: Los Angeles County announced Friday a temporary stay at home order effective Monday that urges residents to avoid being with people not in their household.

“The temporary order will be in place for three weeks through Dec. 20 and will allow essential and emergency workers, and those securing or providing essential and permitted services, to leave their homes,” KTLA reported.

On Twitter Friday, the county said coronavirus cases remain at “alarming levels” and the number of those hospitalized continues to increase: more

36 Comments on Los Angeles County Officials Announce Three Week Stay-at-Home Order

  1. A very chilling quote from the Minister of Public Health Propaganda”

    “…Acting with collective urgency right now is essential if we want to put a stop to this surge…”

    Note the word collective.

    Should probably be stated,

    “…Submitting with collective urgency right now is essential if you want to put an end to this pain…”

  2. No one will obey it – not even liberals. A lock down as we have seen in the past does nothing to stop this fake Covid. These people ordering others around are sadistic unhappy people. Notice how they ALWAYS get caught without a mask on, dining at expensive restaurants, getting pedicures and beauty treatments that are “against the rules.” Yes, showing the peons pints of $45 ice cream from their $20,000 frig. Yep, Speaker of the House bragging about her wealth and how well she eats. I WILL NOT OBEY! Here’s my middle finger!

  3. So it’s a stay-at-home ORDER that URGES people to stay at home? Sounds more like a “recommendation “, or “helpful hint” to me. So will the cops be issuing “friendly reminders” instead of tickets?

    Just another reason I am thankful I left that shithole 46 years ago and never looked back.

  4. Does anyone remember they work for US?

    Could an employee of a major corporation waltz into the boardroom and tell the directors they have to clock in and out, eat in the lunchroom and obey their orders? No.

  5. @Full Auto:

    This is verification that masks, social distancing and our elected officials are worthless. But no doubt most of us knew that for quite awhile.

    This is not to mean in the slightest that I disagree, but in actuality those elected officials have negative worth. They’re worse than useless.

  6. I support optional use of masks, but this ugly skank should be forced to wear one at all times. Holy crap! Her parents had to tie a pork chop around her neck just to get the dog to play with her.

  7. This ugly bitch earns 500,000 dollars per year! A paid rat. She’s just another fauci clown.

    Btw, she is not even a doctor!
    But then again, fauci is, and his advice has been shown to be corrupt and worthless.


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