Los Angeles: Feds accused of seizing $85 million from safe deposit boxes without ‘any legal basis’ – IOTW Report

Los Angeles: Feds accused of seizing $85 million from safe deposit boxes without ‘any legal basis’

Just The News: Hundreds of people storing valuables in safe deposit boxes in Los Angeles may never see their cash, precious metals and heirlooms again, unless a federal judge intervenes in the next week.

Several are suing the government for seizing the contents of about 800 boxes as part of a March raid of the storage provider, U.S. Private Vaults (USPV), which was indicted for conspiracy to sell drugs and launder money. 

The Institute for Justice (IJ) is seeking class-action status for a May lawsuit by several owners alleging “shocking, unconscionable, and unconstitutional” behavior by the government. IJ attorney Robert Frommer accused the feds of an “$85 million cash grab” from people who were not accused of wrongdoing.

The civil forfeiture notices “do not identify any legal basis,” namely the “specific offense,” to justify each forfeiture, and thus violate due process rights, the public interest law firm said in an amended complaint filed last week. “Box holders thus do not know whether the government is accusing them of drug crimes, money laundering, structuring” or any crime at all. more here

27 Comments on Los Angeles: Feds accused of seizing $85 million from safe deposit boxes without ‘any legal basis’

  1. Are they raiding Celebrity Safe Boxes as well or do they get a pass as long as they Tow The Democrat Party Line and host Fund raisers?

    Tip: George Clooney Collects expensive Omega watches

  2. These FEDERAL motherfuckers are working overtime to produce the next dozen Timothy McVeighs.
    That fucker deserved to be put to death for killing those children in the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building.
    That said, I no longer feel ANY sympathy for the feds he wasted.
    They can rot in hell.
    Enemies of a free country need to perish.

  3. If you’re not aware of this by now, you WILL be.

    Communist take EVERYTHING.

    That’s what Communist DO.

    It’s their BRAND.

    So don’t be surprised when they take something, and you can be SURE there’s more and worse to come.

  4. “shocking, unconscionable, and unconstitutional”

    Shocking – Not really
    unconscionable – Yes
    unconstitutional – Yes
    Unjustifiable – Yes

    The FBI exceeded their Authority – No surprise, it has become standard practice.
    FBI Tactic – You are no longer innocent until proven guilty.
    The Government says: “make all these box holders prove their own innocence to get their property back” with no evidence of a crime.
    There has been a tsunami of unconscionable, unconstitutional and lawless action by numerous Federal Agencies, it started well before WACO – The FBI, ATF, IRS, DOJ, Treasury, EPA and other lesser know Agencies.

    The FBI has become a “domestic intelligence agency” with unprecedented power to peer into the lives of ordinary Americans and secretly amass data about people not suspected of any wrongdoing. That power has inevitably led to persistent and unconstitutional abuses of authority, Below reflects the FBI’s abuses.

    1.USA Patriot Act Abuse
    2.2008 Amendments to the Attorney General’s Guidelines
    3.Racial and Ethnic Mapping
    4.Unrestrained Data Collection and Data Mining
    5.Suppressing Internal Dissent: The FBI War on Whistleblowers
    6.Targeting Journalists
    7.Thwarting Congressional Oversight
    8.Targeting First Amendment Activity
    9.Proxy Detentions
    10.Use of No-Fly List to Pressure Americans Abroad to Become Informants
    11.unconstitutionally tapped the NSA’s database of information on American citizens in order to spy on “racially motivated violent extremists.” Referencing the 100 or so uncharged political prisoners who participated on 1/6.





  5. Civil asset forfeiture on this scale is like confiscating everyone’s possessions (including their cars) in the apartment building because of the drug dealer in 2B!

  6. the constitution

    it’s what’s for breakfast !!!

    use it or lose it !!!!!

    oh, when you see someone who leaves replies that foment violence against the government just remember they are probably connected to the fbi and are looking to instigate violence that the fbi can use against you in one of their wacky schemes to arrest conservative voices and charge you with insurrection.

    like the protest on jan 6th.

  7. As for the sanctity Of your Safe Deposit box inside of a bank vault, that has FDIC in the front door , well kids, the box and the contents BELONG to the Feds if they so choose. You Are not allowed to store cash, coins, or gold in “their boxes” and such, subject to seizure by them. I know this to be true since 2008, when obammy came to power and took over. My personal Banker informed me that the FDIC rule does apply to us little people and highly recommended that..” I move it, or Lose it” .. btw, my valuables were lost in the same boat calamity and sinking there if, with my 2nd A toys.

  8. My wife lived in Eastern Kazakhstan before coming to the US. She never had a bank account because nobody in their right mind would dare put their money into a bank.

  9. This is why I don’t use safe deposit boxes and why I keep a decent supply of cash on hand at home. At any given them, the government will steal everything you got for any bullshit reason they can dream up.

  10. Most people don’t know what’s in the Dod/Frank bill Obama signed into law.

    In there the government has the power to take your money out of your bank accounts to bail out wall street.

  11. @Tsunami

    This is just the beginning. Eventually it will be your home and anything else the WokeNazis want.

    I wonder how the ammo confiscation will go for them? 🤔


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