Lost emails from Clinton server discovered – IOTW Report

Lost emails from Clinton server discovered

TheHill: Conservative legal watchdogs have discovered new emails from Hillary Clinton’s private email server dating back to the first days of her tenure as secretary of State.


The previously undisclosed February 2009 emails between Clinton from her then-chief of staff, Cheryl Mills, raise new questions about the scope of emails from Clinton’s early days in office that were not handed over to the State Department for recordkeeping and may have been lost entirely.

Clinton’s presidential campaign has previously claimed that the former top diplomat did not use her personal “clintonemail.com” account before March 2009, weeks after she was sworn in as secretary of State.

But on Thursday, the watchdog group Judicial Watch released one message from Feb. 13, 2009, in which Mills communicated with Clinton on the account to discuss the National Security Agency’s (NSA) efforts to produce a secure BlackBerry device for her to use as secretary of State.

The discovery is likely to renew questions about Clinton’s narrative about her use of the private email server, which has come under scrutiny.   MORE

7 Comments on Lost emails from Clinton server discovered

  1. The servers were set up before she was sworn in as SecState; Obola knew it, State knew it, NSA knew it, CIA knew it, and (probably) the FBI knew it. It was a blatant and unapologetic attempt to hide from the American people the influence-peddling and also to allow the moslem brotherhood (ISIS, al Quaeda, &c.) and other enemies of the United States access to sensitive information.

    All that was necessary was for Abedin, or some other (Cheryl Mills, for instance) traitorous operative to pass along the code – then the server could be accessed without any “attempted hacking” trail.

    This is how they passed on Amb. Stevens’ itinerary to the assassins without leaving a paper or telephone trail.

    Pretty fuckin simple, really.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. When do we add perjury to the list of charges against Hillary? Didn’t she claim in sworn testimony that she had turned over ALL email messages from her time at State? How much evidence of obstruction of justice and willful destruction of evidence is required before this felon is indicted? Add yet more messages to the list that Hillary was required, but failed to turn over to state at her departure.

  3. At this point, considering mounting evidence against Hitllery, it’s time to escort her out of the bunker and let justice be finally served…. too bad Barky, his puppet attorney general, and the bought-paid for Congress won’t do anything. Snake’s head ===================. Remove.

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