‘Lost in Louisiana’: Watch Biden Wander Away and Ignore Warnings He’s Going in the Wrong Direction – IOTW Report

‘Lost in Louisiana’: Watch Biden Wander Away and Ignore Warnings He’s Going in the Wrong Direction

Becker News: President Biden got lost in Louisiana as he took a tour of the hurricane-struck state. The Bidenesque episode occurred after delivering his remarks on Hurricane Ida’s extensive damage to the state

“Folks, Hurricane Ida is another reminder that we need to be prepared for the next hurricane,” Biden said. “And superstorms are going to come and they’re going to come more frequently and more ferociously.”

He also addressed that thousands of Louisianans were still without power.

“You’ve got to be frustrated about the restoration of power,” he said, “and I understand.”

What Biden didn’t understand, however, is where he was supposed to go and what he was supposed to do after the speaking event. Watch:

11 Comments on ‘Lost in Louisiana’: Watch Biden Wander Away and Ignore Warnings He’s Going in the Wrong Direction

  1. He’s terminally confused and cognitively impaired. His Handlers must be cursing the times he’s off the leash. One of these days, Robert Woodward is going to write a nine hundred page expose about all the problems President Donald J. Trump created for President* Dementia Joe Obiden Bama.

  2. That the greatest country in the history of the world allows this imbecile to represent it boggles my brain.

    What the actual fuck people?

    What the actual fuck?

  3. “And superstorms are going to come and they’re going to come more frequently and more ferociously.”
    This from the guy who can’t remember his own name?
    Predictions from a Retard.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Eventually, one of his keepers will leave the gate open and Joe will take off wandering around the neighborhood, aimlessly lost, talking to himself: “trunalimunumaprzure.”

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