‘Lost total respect’: Biden sexual assault accuser blasts Anderson Cooper for not asking about allegations – IOTW Report

‘Lost total respect’: Biden sexual assault accuser blasts Anderson Cooper for not asking about allegations


The woman who accused Joe Biden of sexual assault has said she’s “lost total respect” for CNN’s Anderson Cooper for not asking the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee about the allegations.

Tara Reade has claimed Biden pushed her against a wall and penetrated her with his fingers when she was working as a staff assistant in his Senate office in the 1990s. Biden has had more than a dozen TV interviews since her allegations resurfaced last month, including two with Cooper.

“I really would look to [Cooper] for answers and I would never do that again. I’ve lost total respect,” Reade told Fox News on Saturday, adding that she finds it difficult “as a civilian” to know “what news source to trust” because shows such as Cooper’s have a “blatant bias.”

Reade claimed that a “political agenda” is playing a role in what she feels is underreporting by some media outlets on her allegations. read more

14 Comments on ‘Lost total respect’: Biden sexual assault accuser blasts Anderson Cooper for not asking about allegations

  1. We’re in the middle of a global pandemic. The global economy has collapsed. The inability of supply chains, in the first world, to keep basic food stocked, is the inflection into global famine!

    There are more important, more news worthy questions, to ask Credibly Accused Rapist, Joe Biden.

  2. I’m no Cooper fan but let’s not dismiss the idea that he and a lot of other “reporters” are being told what they can and can’t ask Biden. Something like this is breaking too early if the Dem’s plan is to have Biden punted and a new candidate nominated by acclimation. The closer to the election (and presumably, just before the Dem convention) a new candidate (Hillary, Michelle, or do you have another candidate in mind?) the less time there is for the honest media to go deep on investigation, the fewer press conference they have to take, the fewer appearances which for those two is all for the plus. Hell, if this is their plan I’m not even sure Biden is aware of it.

  3. This woman is delusional if she thinks CNN would ever question a dem in this manner. If you see them actually doing so with Biden, you’ll know the DNC is going to move him out of the nomination and put someone else [Cuomo?] in his place.

  4. Anderson was hoping on getting a “Rusty Trombone” but was disappointed that he was too old for Joey “hair on his legs” Biden.

    Google it!


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