‘Lot of issues’: Former Obama doctor says Biden ‘not a healthy guy’ – IOTW Report

‘Lot of issues’: Former Obama doctor says Biden ‘not a healthy guy’

WaEx: Former President Barack Obama’s once-longtime doctor said the medical records Joe Biden’s campaign disclosed are concerning and incomplete.

“He’s not a healthy guy,” Dr. David Scheiner, who was Obama’s personal physician for 22 years before he became president, concluded after reading the records. “He’s not in bad shape for his age, but I wouldn’t say he’s in outstanding health. Could I guarantee he won’t have issues for the next four years? He has a lot of issues that are just sort of sitting there.”

A three-page letter from Biden’s physician concluded the former vice president is a “healthy, vigorous, 77-year-old” that is fit to be president. But the letter also revealed Biden receives treatment for an irregular heartbeat and high cholesterol and that he deals with acid reflux and seasonal allergies. It noted his already known history of aneurysms and that he took blood thinners.

The details from the letter made Scheiner, 81, concerned about Biden’s potential for strokes, and he said he would want to see results from an MRI or CT scan. Because Biden also used to have sleep apnea before getting surgery on his sinus and nasal passages, Scheiner said he would also like to review the results of a sleep study. read more

16 Comments on ‘Lot of issues’: Former Obama doctor says Biden ‘not a healthy guy’

  1. His mental/brain health should be more of a concern than anything.

    His statements make it seem to me like he may be in some stage of either dementia or Alzheimer’s.

  2. Yep with our luck he could live to 118 and still be the biggest idiot in the room. ” Come here kid and sit on my lap and I’ll let you push my leg hair down.” (Axelrod- I guess this is the best he’s got).

  3. Biden is plainly unfit to serve, as seen almost daily. We don’t need be told about his fitness from the guy who treated Barky’s venereal warts and gerbil bites back in the ’80s.

  4. How about we just ignore and forget everything to do with stone stupid Joe and the kenyan magic negro along with their constant lying, idiocy and theft?

    Their memory is only thing that was ever shovel-ready and they should be buried in a deep unmarked pit for the rest of time.

  5. bill
    DECEMBER 20, 2019 AT 11:55 AM

    “…it’s his soul that worries me”

    …no worries, the Devil called and said his soul is just fine, one of the favorites in his collection, in fact, since he got it so early and barely used, and no one even fought over it, go figure…


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