Lou Dobbs and Sidney Powell Swing The Truth Hammer – IOTW Report

Lou Dobbs and Sidney Powell Swing The Truth Hammer

Conservative Treehouse: The great Lou Dobbs has an interview with Lady Justice, Sidney Powell. My deepest respect and appreciation for both of these voices for truth as they discuss the latest developments in the Flynn case as contrast against the status of the FBI and DOJ.

The next few weeks are going to be critical. Everything within this interview is right now at the surface… there are multiple layers of information reaching a crossroad.  WATCH:

8 Comments on Lou Dobbs and Sidney Powell Swing The Truth Hammer

  1. Dear Fur
    Speaking law and order, yesterday on MSNBC [July 28] Eric Swalwell stated that federal agents were using chemical weapons on protesters. Try and find it …. I couldn’t
    Kind of a reverse censorship.

  2. @gin
    I wish he would recruit her, too. But if it’s an appointed position that requires confirmation, the Republicans would not confirm her. That’s the sad truth.


    In other news, now they’re saying a hells angel right winger is to blame for burning buildings and looting in Minneapolis.

    They will say anything. Wadler will say antifa riots are a myth and ABC News will say a hells angel right winger is responsible for the burning buildings.

    Queers run news divisions and their whole life is built on creating a horseshit narrative and denying objective truths.

  3. All those ridiculous reports are funneled straight to Facebook, Snap chat etc where all the youth devour what they think is the news. No mystery why their heads are so bent.

  4. The volume is definitely increasing. The Left is panicking, as they well should. This election is getting out of their control and they know it. Unfortunately for them their extreme measures only make it worse. But the volume will go to eleven – and then beyond, all the way up to November 3.


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