Lou Dobbs’ take on Trump’s southern border wall – IOTW Report

Lou Dobbs’ take on Trump’s southern border wall

FBN’s Lou Dobbs on the importance of building President Trump’s southern border wall.

15 Comments on Lou Dobbs’ take on Trump’s southern border wall

  1. I love Lou, but he’s got it wrong. It won’t be the Dems who pay the price for a failure to build the wall. It will be the republicans. All Trump is asking for is $1.5B? Ryan had better give it to him. If not, why should we keep voting republican?

  2. Exactly. Republicans pay for more than half the revenue in this country. If they won’t put 1.5 billion towards what we demand, they’re as useless as we know them to be.

  3. Los Angelos COUNTY, alone, spends 2 Billion $ every year in direct cash expenditures on welfare/social services Illegals.
    That doesn’t include schools, jails, police and other costs.

    The Wall’s cost is peanuts. It pays for itself immediately.
    And every year thereafter it pays the USA a dividend of up to $100 Billion annually in current costs for Illegals that are no longer here to require we spend on them.

  4. How many years has Congress been in violation of it’s constitutional requirement to pass a proper budget? These Continuing Resolutions are illegal, a scam, and a congressman’s wet dream. The money for the wall is there, if only congress would pull their collectivist heads out of their collectivist asses.

  5. Obama spent how much? 875 BILLION under the guise of “shovel ready projects” that was nothing more than a slush fund for his supporters. Now I see on Drudge Ryan says the wall fund is being put off until 2018. A wall that the Republican voters VOTED FOR by electing Trump. Screw him and the McConnell he rode in on.

  6. Are Ryan and the RINOs the problem?
    Are they more concerned about the voters in 2018 than the security of our borders and safety of our citizens?

    They don’t deserve re-election.
    But who controls the Republican Congressional Campaign monies?
    That’s right Ryan ! He buys congressmen’s loyalty for “his” agenda, not Trumps and the American People.
    Dump this sluggard.

  7. Since when do democrats care one whit about the price tag of any of their pet projects? Democrats *never* mention the cost of anything they want to do. They just say we are doing this, the nation needs it, and away they go. The Republicans would do well to point out this hypocrisy, and also explain that the wall will pay for itself in no time and tell the dnc and media to SHUT UP.

  8. The GOP is once again sticking it up our keister, and this is getting old. I’ll say one thing for the Dems, they do what they say they will do. The Republicans not so much.

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