Louis Farrakhan Compares Hillary To Black Community’s Hitler In Fire And Brimstone Sermon – IOTW Report

Louis Farrakhan Compares Hillary To Black Community’s Hitler In Fire And Brimstone Sermon

“Look at this award that she got,” he continued. “In 2009 Hillary Clinton received the Margaret Sanger Award from Planned Parenthood. It was Mrs. Sanger who advocated population control of black and poor people.”

DailyCaller: Louis Farrakhan railed against Hillary Clinton during a sermon this past Sunday.

The Nation of Islam leader first commended Donald Trump for taking away power from the media.

Farrakhan noted that the Republican nominee had been plastered across the television networks’ election coverage as a means to embarrass him, but that only resulted in free campaign advertising for the Trump campaign.

“You don’t even realize that you [the media] are no longer in power,” he stated. “Can’t you see you’ve failed?”

Farrakhan then turned his focus towards the Democratic nominee.

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