Louisiana: Former Dem Congressman With Cash In His Freezer Released From Prison Because The Bar For Corruption Is Higher Now – IOTW Report

Louisiana: Former Dem Congressman With Cash In His Freezer Released From Prison Because The Bar For Corruption Is Higher Now

DC: Former Louisiana Rep. William Jefferson was released from prison after serving less than half of his 13-year sentence, due to a Supreme Court ruling that increased the prosecutorial threshold for corruption charges.



U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III re-sentenced Jefferson, a former Democratic lawmaker, to time served Friday morning after vacating Jefferson’s last remaining conviction, according to The Washington Post. Ellis first sentenced Jefferson in 2009 on corruption charges, but was compelled to reduce the 13-year sentence due to the high court’s reinterpretation of what behavior constitutes public corruption.

The Supreme Court case concerning Republican Virginia Gov. Robert McDonnell led to the redefinition of what behavior on the part of an elected official constitutes an “official act,” narrowing the scope of potentially prosecutable behavior.

The conviction on 16 charges stemmed from Jefferson’s involvement in African business dealings, which at one point compelled him to hide $90,000 in his freezer on behalf of the president of Nigeria.  read more

16 Comments on Louisiana: Former Dem Congressman With Cash In His Freezer Released From Prison Because The Bar For Corruption Is Higher Now

  1. Little Bob McDonnell saved his sorry ass but his legacy was to define down corruption for this guy and menendez and to destroy the republican brand in Virginia. I wasted a lot of shoe leather going door to door for that sob.

  2. The president of Nigeria has been emailing me for months about his huge cash holdings that he needs help getting out of the country. I didn’t know helping him was a crime.

  3. ah, good ol’ Cold Cash Jefferson. My guess is the people of New orleans will elect him to some office where being a FELON doesn’t preclude you from elected office.
    Mayor, Congressman, Senator? The sky is the limit!

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