Louisiana Man Sentenced to Be Physically Castrated – IOTW Report

Louisiana Man Sentenced to Be Physically Castrated

Daily Fetched:
A Louisiana judge has sentenced a man to physical castration after pleading guilty to raping a 14-year-old girl.

On April 17, District Attorney Scott Perrilloux said Glenn Sullivan, 54, was sentenced after pleading guilty to four counts of second-degree rape.

Louisiana Judge William Dykes on Monday sentenced Sullivan to be physically castrated along with serving a 50-year prison sentence. more

15 Comments on Louisiana Man Sentenced to Be Physically Castrated

  1. …yes, castrate, but 1) PULL it off, 2) TELEVISE it, 3) do this for EVERY PEDO WITHOUT FAIL INCLUDING WASHINGTON POLITICIANS AND HWOOD ACTORS, and 4) let them bleed out until dead.

    That LAST part is the MOST important.

    …because if they live, sooner or later they will get out.

    And when they get out, they WILL do it again, with whatever object they think suitable.

    It’s about power, domination, humiliation, NOT see except as an ultimate humiliation. Deprived of a punishment, they will simply use another tool, and more violently too as they aren’t happy about the penis.

    Child rapists WILL recidivate.


    The -only- cure for it is death.

    Everything else is just an unlikely attempt at deterrence of others, and a show of some justice.

    You will NEVER deter the rapist himself.

    Only in hell will he stop.

  2. Let’s ask God…

    “God, what should we do with him?”


    “Nuts? What do you mean, Sir?”

    “Cut off his damn nuts!”

    “Oh! Yes Sir! Right away, Sir!”


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