Louisiana Republican Rep Calls For Members Of Congress To Be Drug Tested – IOTW Report

Louisiana Republican Rep Calls For Members Of Congress To Be Drug Tested

DC: Louisiana Republican Rep. Clay Higgins introduced a resolution that would require members of Congress to be drug tested once every term.

Higgins introduced House Concurrent Resolution 135 Thursday, saying “I have observed some behavior that would cause one to wonder,” in an interview with USA Today. “Elected officials in Washington, D.C., should be subject to the same kind of random drug screenings that blue-collar, working-class Americans have to endure,” he said in a statement to CBS News.

If a representative tested positive for illegal drugs, they would be reported to the House or Senate Committees on Ethics. Those who refuse would have their names made public. The resolution would also require members of congress to pay back taxpayers for any related costs for their drug tests.  more here

18 Comments on Louisiana Republican Rep Calls For Members Of Congress To Be Drug Tested

  1. Congress has set precedence that they have repeatedly voted to be treated differently that the citizens of the US.
    Whether it’s their vote of exemption from Obamacare, voting to raise their own pay, retirement, benefits, housing reimbursement, office staff or the number of actual working days, they take care of themselves first, much better that those they are to represent.

    Just some of the benefits of the elected elite.

  2. This is just a watered down and useless move to garner public support. If you’re going to have drug testing make it random and make it often. If found to be using drugs they should be made to face their voters for punishment, not some diluted three step program with no teeth.

  3. AND they should ALL have the scrutiny of a BACKGROUND CHECK for their clearances like I had to. I bet a third would have issues that would stop them from classified briefings!

  4. Why stop with random testing? Term limits, no Cadillac healthcare and no pensions. Thank you for your service. Now, go get that private sector job and hopefully you didn’t over regulate that prospective employer and he remembers how you voted.

  5. Have an Eye Surgeon look at closeups, He should be able to tell you what they’re on. I have such a friend and it’s scary what He picks up just sitting in a Resteraunt looking around. Test them for Prescription Drugs as well.
    Check the label on Nancy’s IV drip.

  6. They are immune from insider trading laws too. That is a big one. They dump or buy stock depending on what legislation they are working on.

    How else can you be worth $50M after taking a $150k a year job for two decades.

    But yea. Drug test them. I would bet half are on painkillers.

  7. MJA’s suggestions, plus; Those who support climate change should lose all modern amenities. Those who hate guns should lose their armed guards. Those who hate border walls should not be allowed to live behind fences.

  8. Active duty military gets drug tested at random intervals. I just got screened about two weeks ago. Refusal if not an option; it’s a lawful order.

    I don’t see any reason why we can’t do the same with members of Congress. The mechanism is already in place to regularly test the MILLIONS of men and women in the armed forces, even while deployed in a fire zone.

    Refuse your drug screen, lose your seat. Easy.


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