After republican Senator Bill Cassidy voted to impeach President Trump the Louisiana leadership voted to censure the self-serving DeceptiCon. Today Bill Cassidy appears on This Week to explain his vote. In essence Cassidy voted to support the UniParty agenda because he feels the era of Trump is over…. the cocktail class republicans are looking forward to getting back to the corrupt system of Wall Street financed graft.
“I think [Trump’s] force wanes. The Republican Party is more than just one person.”
The GOPe fails miserably not only because they are just one wing of a UniParty bird, but also because at their core they operate in an isolated elitist echo-chamber. The Democrats play lip-service to their base; however, the Republicans have never attempted to hide their disdain for middle America values and the working class conservatives. more
It ain’t over you schmuck, 🤨 and we will never forget, and in case you didn’t get the memo the election was stolen. 🤬
nothing is over until “I” say it’s over, do you understand “lil bill cassidy” ????
our elected representatives still think they can gaslight the rest of us.
the scab has been ripped off the festering wound that is professional politicians and just how poorly they serve their constituents.
Much more sun light is needed to disinfect this wound !!!!
to paraphrase Al Jolson, “You ain’t seen nothing yet”
They think they can wait this out and we’ll still support them as the lesser of two evils. When someone stabs me in the back I don’t welcome them back after a waiting period, I eliminate them from my life.
The election was stolen and the presidency lies in the hands of an usurper. Congress is full of traitors and our country is being over run by anarchists.
But Donald John Trump is the cause?
Yea right and Bill Clinton is not a rapist and Obama is not a fag and Monochrome is a woman?
Now that’s obsolete thinking.😂
I like the scab analogy better than the curtain analogy I’ve been using. Thanks, @bill
Really hard to impossible to believe the free-thinking Republicans of Louisiana elected this Benedict Arnold. Remember Hopalong Cassidy? This jerk should change his name to Crawlalong Cassidy
Right underneath this article is an article about impeaching McConnell. Cassidy didn’t get the memo because his head is still stuck up his butt. That’s okay, I heard Cassidy likes surprises. Let’s give him one!
Enjoy UNEMPLOYMENT, when HE’S re-elected, in 2024! 🖕😠🖕
Eating too many dead-a-week crawfish. Brain rot.
Apparently inbreeding is not illegal and encouraged in LA.
And your own eyes will tell you that they beat this man’s head with a fence post. Made from old growth southern yellow pine, no less.
That boy is about as sharp as a sack of wet mice.
He is incapable of making observations and drawing a logical conclusion.
RINO assholes need to learn how to shut up.
RINO assholes need to keep revealing themselves for what they are. Maybe – just maybe – enough people finally will wake up and get rid of them. Or maybe most people really do like living in gaslight…
Doesn’t he look like Murkowski?
Bike Mike – – I’m pretty sure it was the Blues Magoos that said that.
You’re dreaming. Enjoy the rest of your stay in D.C.