Louisiana Senate advances bill similar to Texas’ migrant arrest law – IOTW Report

Louisiana Senate advances bill similar to Texas’ migrant arrest law

Washington Times: Louisiana’s Republican-controlled Senate advanced a bill Tuesday that would empower state and local law enforcement to arrest and jail people in the state who entered the U.S. illegally, similar to embattled legislation in Texas.

Amid national fights between Republican states and Democratic President Joe Biden over how and who should enforce the U.S.-Mexico border, Louisiana joins a growing list of legislatures seeking to expand states’ authority over border enforcement.

Proponents of the bill, such as the legislation’s author GOP state Sen. Valarie Hodges, say Louisiana has the “right to defend our nation.” Hodges has accused the federal government of neglecting responsibilities to enforce immigration law, an argument heard from GOP leaders across the country. MORE

5 Comments on Louisiana Senate advances bill similar to Texas’ migrant arrest law

  1. The federal government is at the point where it is causing more problems than it solves, wastes far more money than it takes in, and actively tries to keep any of the states from doing what it should have done in the first place. There’s really no reason for it to exist any more.

  2. Although I appreciate moving the ball down the field, this is by no means a solution to the problem.

    Tying up the police as they round up illegals, takes away from their proper duties, they aren’t paid to enforce immigration laws.

    So now we have illegals sitting in jail, now what? Apprehension and removal of deportable aliens, has strictly been viewed as a federal responsibility, but they won’t do it. Nothing is fixed, the illegal and his family is still being supported by the American taxpayer; food, shelter, medical, education and daycare.

  3. “There’s really no reason for it to exist any more.” – OldCoot

    We finally lost the Revolutionary War in 1913 (FED and 16th Amendment with income tax) while simultaneously trashing our own Constitution.

    So, you are entirely correct, imo. At most, we have approximately one election cycle to change our minds. After that, who knows? All bets are off.

  4. ^^^^All of these comments are spot on. Every other civilization in history has executed those who invaded their country. We are run by idiots because this will lead to their and their childrens’ demise as much as ours. What they are doing is stupid.


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