Louisiana Voters Pass Pro-life Amendment: Abortion Is Not A Constitutional Right – IOTW Report

Louisiana Voters Pass Pro-life Amendment: Abortion Is Not A Constitutional Right

Federalist: Louisiana voters approved a bipartisan constitutional amendment declaring abortion is not a constitutionally enshrined right.

“Nothing in this constitution shall be construed to secure or protect a right to abortion or require the funding of abortion,” Amendment 1 reads. more

3 Comments on Louisiana Voters Pass Pro-life Amendment: Abortion Is Not A Constitutional Right

  1. SNS: The cheating by “Democrats” will be stopped; unfortunately, the ‘black mark’ will remain next to DJT’s name questioning the legitimacy of his reelection. The Republicans retained control of the senate, gained seats in the house, and held on to the governors offices.

    No court-packing can happen without control of the senate.

    Good for Louisiana; if we have to do this one state at a time, so be it. Naturally it will be challenged at some point giving the SC the opportunity to vacate Roe and return the issue to the individual states.

  2. Odin 2013
    NOVEMBER 4, 2020 AT 10:10 AM
    “The Republicans retained control of the senate”

    …did they? Are you counting liberal squishes and reliable Democrat votes like Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, and Lindsay Graham as “Republicans”? People who only USE the Republican brand but are actually Never Trumpers like Ben Sasse and John Cornyn? How about the fake Republican who has NO purpose in the Senate but venting his PERSONAL hatred for our President, Mitt Romney?

    …and who KNOWS what the Chinese and Democrats can come up with to bribe or blackmail some MORE?

    …I want to believe you and I do agree that it’s great to TRY to do something, but this bunch REALLY makes me question that whole “Republican Majority” thing, ESPECIALLY without a President Trump to hold their feet to the fire…


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