“Love is love!” – – – Really? – IOTW Report

“Love is love!” – – – Really?

American Thinker:
Social Justice jingoists now proclaim that “Love is love.” Have you seen this new expression? Love is love! What does it mean? Where did it come from? Why is it being promoted?

After a bit of searching, I found one famous person using this expression. “Love is love,” voiced President Barack Hussein Obama on June 26, 2015, as he celebrated the Supreme Court’s profoundly controversial 5-4 ruling making same-sex marriages legal in the USA. Because the President said that and many applaud the spirit of what that decision means, few of us have challenged what Obama and those who share his sentiment are really saying. 

Instead, the “Love is love” refrain is showing up on yard signs and bumper stickers in many parts of America. It will surely enter the halls of conventional wisdom if the extremists in the Human Rights Campaign get their way. I have my own doubts, however, about the wisdom of the saying.

There are all kinds of love. Our literature is full of inspiring love stories many tied to emotional generosity and genuine sacrifice.

More recently, though, the Social Justice extremists are twisting love in all kinds of directions. Their ideas of love have many similarities to the Silly Putty we played with as kids. I can play that game too. more here

17 Comments on “Love is love!” – – – Really?

  1. I knew right where this was going when I read the title, pedophilia. These deviant sick fucks may want to remember what us parents say, intense pain is intense pain. And then you die.

  2. Oh and all of Hollywood is in support of pedophilia. I say we start giving their kids to some of these illegal whack jobs crossing the border to spend the night with. They like them too.

  3. As with all things liberal it’s about normalizing pedophilia The Overton Window continues to shift leftward degree by degree. First fags became a legally and legislatively protected class, then trannies, next step is Pedos like our own Resident.

    Marxist play the long game and fully support grooming and sex with kids because it’s another way to use perversion and depravity to weaken our nation from within.

    Destroy the children and you destroy our future, all part of the plan. Covid was created by Fauci to kill older folks who are generally patriots, and now they want to wreck our kids.

    It’s all part of the plan in service to Satan.

  4. Obama is a homo married to a transgender. Like any politician he twists the narrative to fit his psyche because it all depends on what the meaning of “is”, is. Honest, no kidding, nobody fucks with a Biden.

  5. There’s a difference between “love” and “lust.”

    The perverts are aware of that, however, and confuse the two in their efforts to try to confuse the easily confusable.

    A man may stick his dick into a pumpkin, but that isn’t “love.”

    We must turn our faces away from Satan and back towards the pure, unblemished lights of God.
    We must cleanse our planet of this Satanic filth.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. We see those stupid yard signs on our morning walks.
    The most egregious one is classic.
    The homeowner bravely put up this sign and the requisite flags, and then proceeded to put in a wrought-iron fence with locking gate around their entire yard. When we walk by, we call it the Hate Gate as we read out the insipid sayings.
    We also have run into the cameras that announce “you are being recorded”. We break into our version of Harry Nilsson’s “You’re Breakin’ My Heart”.

  7. Love is Love until you disagree with us, and then we must destroy you.
    They blur every line to impose their will on us,
    such as all your children belong to us.
    It used to be fag or fagot not gay, what changed? The words we’re made more palatable.
    One thing will never change, the consequences to bad choices.

  8. If Shitbama said, “sky is blue,” I’d check thrice & still get it independently verified. Just because the shitbama uttered it, doesn’t make it Gospel in the really, REAL world!

  9. Read C. S. Lewis’ “The Four Loves.”
    Lust is not love.
    Sexual attraction is necessary for marriage, but it’s not all.
    But, since we have redefined marriage to include homosexual union, we need to condemn any adult homosexual who “plays the field” rather than getting married, just like we used to condemn single heterosexuals for not settling down.

  10. Does your “love is love” include whites, heteronormative, married to someone of the opposite gender, Christian, conservative, educated (not necessarily college), skilled, working, pays taxes, pays his/her own bills, protects innocents and children from pedos and grooming, America first, has read and believes in the Constitution and Bill of Rights as originally written.
    I could go own, but I think you get the idea.
    Well? Does your “love is love” include such people? Or not?
    I’ll wait…….(cricket…….cricket………cricket………)

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