Love Your Servitude – IOTW Report

Love Your Servitude

The Brave New 1984 Expansion Pack: Love Your Servitude – Aldous Huxley & George Orwell.

13 Comments on Love Your Servitude

  1. One thing’s for certain – if I had read “Crome Yellow” before “Brave New World” I would NEVER have read “Brave New World!”

    Got to be one of the dumbest books ever written – or, at least, published.
    Close to Joyce’s “Ulysses” and Maugham’s “Of Human Bondage.”
    Sheesh! What a waste of ink.

    And anyway, slavery ain’t so bad – you get fed, veterinary care, and euthanasia when the time comes. We can learn all those old Negro spiritual songs, too!

    “Swing low, sweet Cadillac,
    Comin fo ta carry me home!”

    Get into the rhythm while we hoe the rows of organic asparagus up on the farms in North Dakota.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. LOCO
    When the Bush wing (aka radical left) of the GOP overrode Don’s veto 6 weeks ago they explicitly said, “Go get conservatives!” Big Tech got the msg 5×5 – LOUD AND CLEAR.

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