Loving Animals, Loving People – IOTW Report

Loving Animals, Loving People

klavan and his dog


My dog is dying, after a long life of beaches and forests and affection. She is one of the sweetest, gentlest, most enthusiastic creatures I’ve ever met, my friend and companion for nearly fifteen years. So even before the news and social media degraded and humiliated themselves by going into hysterics over the death of Cecil the lion while covering up or excusing Planned Parenthood’s butchery and sale of human babies, I’ve had cause to reflect on human-animal relationships.

It in no way detracts from the goodness of my dog nor diminishes my devotion to her to observe that there’s a measure of narcissism in the love of animals. Our pets demand any number of little attentions from us, but they will never ask us to change our opinions. They will never challenge the validity of our inner worlds with their own.

Those competing inner visions humans have — other outlooks; conflicting opinions — that’s what narcissists can’t stand; that’s what really offends them. It’s not enough for a narcissistic tyrant that you do what he says, you also have to profess what he believes. It’s not enough that you leave him alone, you have to bake the cake for his wedding too. Narcissists can’t abide the Other. Competing inner worlds drive them to insane levels of cruelty, brutality and even murder. Animals never pose that problem for them. That’s why so many people who preen themselves on their love of animals are such rotten imbeciles when it comes to other humans. The PETA types who assault people for wearing fur, say. Philosopher Peter Singer who believes a baby may be morally killed but not a dog. Such love of animals is not love at all; just narcissism made flesh.

Narcissism should not be confused with self love, no matter what the dictionary tells you.


22 Comments on Loving Animals, Loving People

  1. Dogs are truly better than 90% of people. You will meet her on the Rainbow bridge.
    Sorry for your loss, I know what you are going through.
    Best thing is to get a puppy ASAP.

  2. Aw. 🙁 What a great puppy face.

    “With true love of self as a guide, our love for our pets can be a perfect training ground for a love of others.”

    And lemme tell ya, living with a pet really teaches you how to be patient and a little goofy. Which was perfect training for me to be an aunt. 🙂

  3. I’m going on another polar bear slaying, seal clubbing, tire burning, dog kissing, and oil dumping in sewer episode. Waaaaait a sec, there are lions to kill…. Must diversify.

  4. Andrew, in your pain you gave us such a blessing. Your words helped a saddened heart after hearing all the news the last days. I’m going to hug my kitty now.

    God bless you, Andrew.

  5. Remember me always, but do not grieve for me too long. I have tried always to comfort you in times of sorrow, and have made every effort to add joy to your life. I never wanted to cause you pain. Peace for me is certain now, and I suspect I will have eternal sleep in the earth I have loved so well . Please, after your period of grieving for me, make room in your heart for another. You are the kind of human being that should always have a friend like me to love. Your kind and gentle heart should not be wasted on my memory for too long. Give your love to another. I know your new friend will never take my place, because we had something very special. It may not be quite the same, but a new devoted and loving companion will in time, become special in their own way. You loved me very much and I loved you . My spirit will always be with you, and no matter how deep my sleep, my greatful heart will always remember you.

  6. Our yellow lab Titus has been gone for 12 years and I still have his collar handy when I remember him. I had him cremated and sent his ashes home to North Carolina where one of my nephews scattered them for me in the woods he grew up in.

    The pain will ease but it never goes away.

  7. Earlier this year, we went to SPCA 50 miles south to pick up our miracle dog, Cassie. Instantly took a liking to the 6 year old daughter, 17 old son, the wife and myself. She’s claimed the family for herself and protects us.

    I didn’t want another dog after the last one had serious health issues but am sure glad she came our way.

  8. My wife is always amazed that in the 14 years of marriage, I’ve used an alarm clock maybe 5 times. Always up on time, hell I sometimes amaze myself especially after ripping thru a 30 pack of cheap beer. There’s a little Boston Terrier we’ve had for almost 14 years, he can’t see, can barely hear, has no idea where he is. But by golly, come the crack of dawn he’s crying for me to get up, and at 5:30 in the evening, on the freaking dot, will cry for his dinner. He needs to be carried down the stairs and into the yard. I swear, my schedule is because of him and no other reason and it will vanish when he dies. Dogs are the secret to a good life.

  9. “The pain will ease but it never goes away. ”

    How true.

    And it shouldn’t.

    A loss of love like that should affect your future relationships.

    Not the least of which is to cherish the love you have because everything passes.

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