Loyola University students win battle over COVID-19 vaccine – IOTW Report

Loyola University students win battle over COVID-19 vaccine


Eleven students at Loyola University in Chicago won a victory over the COVID-19 vaccine mandate that is sweeping the country in education, business, and government.

Under the rules implemented by the university, students who had not submitted their vaccine card or been granted an exception by Friday, Aug. 6, would not be allowed to enroll in classes or access the campus. Faculty and staff who are not vaccinated by Sept. 21, or submit an exemption, could face disciplinary action, including termination, the university states.

Loyola initially denied written requests by the 11 students, who stated that the available vaccines contained fetal tissue from abortions and their religious beliefs do not condone abortion, according to a press release by their attorneys, Liberty Counsel.

“Loyola denied each of these students’ religious exemption requests with curt and ambiguous denials even though their statements were more than sufficient under applicable law and under Loyola’s nondiscrimination policy,” the release said. more

4 Comments on Loyola University students win battle over COVID-19 vaccine

  1. I’m afraid that the only thing that is going to stop the vaccine madness is when thousands of vaccine recipients start dying from the complications… well, maybe not.

  2. Good. We need to rack up more of these wins. I saw Trump is now claiming he saved 100 million lives with warp speed. WTH. Meanwhile I resisted the SPARS document, their time line was people would start seeing neurological issues after the first year. There are sites documenting all the injuries and deaths including a lot of neurological issues now. They also mention upset parents that had their kids get the shot, develop brain inflammation and suffer retardation. They knew exactly what they were releasing.


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