LSM drama queens NoKo and Manafort stories just to bring up Russia again – IOTW Report

LSM drama queens NoKo and Manafort stories just to bring up Russia again

America. Don’t  reach for those clutching  pearls

4 Comments on LSM drama queens NoKo and Manafort stories just to bring up Russia again

  1. I’m thinking of getting some pearls so I can join in the clutching.
    I have never heard of ‘clutching pearls’ till I came to this web site.
    How long has this phrase been around?
    We used to say to the ‘Nancy Boys’ don’t get your panties in a knot.
    They seem to get offended

  2. Why doesn’t someone in Trump’s loyal circle start loudly investigating the actual RUSSIANS who have ties and influence over various politicians in D.C.? I bet this whole witch hunt would immediately go away.

  3. I want my string of Clutching Pearls™ to be harvested from the otherwise empty skulls of my Professional Betters™ – after calcifying around some damnable truth that their own lying eyes can’t make go away.

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