LSM Side By Side – IOTW Report

LSM Side By Side

Twitter user IET (@Incarcerated_ET) compiled over 70 examples of side-by-side examples of Mainstream Media hypocrisy since the election of US President Donald Trump – with full credit to the jailed extraterrestrial, I have arranged the images to music in the same spirit of easy consumption and dissemination.

9 Comments on LSM Side By Side

  1. Looking forward to it.

    Here is an Advanced DC Copy of another multimedia piece in return.

    An exceptionally focused lawyer is offered a conn ed job at a major high-end Southern District of New York City law firm with a very high-end boss of contracts, the biggest opportunity of his blooming mountain climbimg flower picking bloomberging bitcoining joining career. Frightening visual phenomena that slowly begin to display in lifesize realtime that the owner of the NY firm is not who and what he appears to be. New Jersey Nazi Uniformed Circus Clowns with Butterfly Nets abound in this papyrus rolling tome of 9 Circles of New York and SDNY HellHoles.

  2. at Blink’s link

    expected to roll out in Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin, all battleground states. The Dogwood publishes articles that appear to be local in an effort to help develop trust among readers in the area.

    McGowan said the idea is to fill the areas where local news outlets are disappearing. She is also the proprietor of a nonprofit group called Acronym that will spend $75 million on digital ads to rebut what Democrats believe is President Donald Trump’s insurmountable edge in battleground states.


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