Lululemon Employees Say They Were Fired For Calling 911 on Looters Ransacking Store – IOTW Report

Lululemon Employees Say They Were Fired For Calling 911 on Looters Ransacking Store

GP: Metro Atlanta Lululemon employees claim they were fired for calling the police on looters ransacking the store.

Earlier this week, a mob looted a Lululemon in Peachtree Corners and took off with stolen merchandise.

According to one of the fired employees, the same group of masked burglars had targeted the Lululemon store for weeks as horrified employees watched in silence.

After several robberies, the employees decided to call the police – and they were promptly fired for violating the company’s policy of not interfering with a burglary. more

10 Comments on Lululemon Employees Say They Were Fired For Calling 911 on Looters Ransacking Store

  1. But they WEREN’T interfering with a robbery because the cops weren’t going to do shit anyway.

    And wasn’t this a robbery and not a burglary? There were innocent people present when the crime was being committed.

  2. hope all the Sons that Obama never had are reading this so they know where to go to make a killing reselling their crappy overpriced athletic wear. The fire employees need to get a good Attorney and bury LULU for endangering their lives.

  3. Uncle Al: a burglary is entering a premises with the intent to commit a crime no matter what the crime is. I might imagine that the company preferred to call it a burglary rather than a robbery so they could downplay the fact that employees were present and felt in danger. Burglary might imply that they were passive observers and not in danger.

    In any event, I don’t see how calling the police could be considered “interfering.” I remember years ago 7-11 fired an employee who followed a robber out of the store. This new definition would mean calling the police was “interfering.” What the company does not seem to realize is that the more the criminals get away with, the more emboldened they become. There will come a time, I guarantee, that they will decide to assault or murder employees just for grins and giggles because why not? There have been no consequences for anything else they have done.

  4. Here’s a better one for you:

    “Woman with suspended license charged in NYC crash involving MTA bus that injured 14”. Now, where’s more about this woman:
    “AND NOW THE WHOLE STORY: A 23 y.o. Chandiana Jean has an OPEN ROBBERY/ GANG ASSAULT CASE in Brooklyn (17 counts!), for which she was RELEASED WITHOUT BAIL just this last January. FACT: If it’s the same lovely young woman, if she was still in jail, this terrible collision would have never happened…”

  5. And another… I’m reminded of a similar metropolitan bus crash that occurred in Philly about twenty or twenty-five years ago. The numbers as I recall are pretty accurate. The crash happened late at night and six passengers on the bus demanded they be transported to a hospital due to their ‘injuries’.

    When the court date for the ‘accident’ rolled around over thirty people showed up claiming injuries from that same crash. Welcome to the big city…

  6. Can’t wait to see what their prices will be on their crappy merchandise.
    You know they will jack them even higher to make up for what they lose in theft.
    BTW, Now that their insurance company knows Lulu is down with theft. Good luck keeping coverage.

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