Lust for power: California Legislature Passes Bill To Limit Drinks to Water and Milk for Kids at Restaurants – IOTW Report

Lust for power: California Legislature Passes Bill To Limit Drinks to Water and Milk for Kids at Restaurants

Western Journalism: As an increasing number of restaurants opt to promote healthy beverage choices with their kids’ meals, California lawmakers are poised to take the next step.

According to KOVR, state Senate Bill 1192 recommends mandating that dining establishments offer water or milk as the default drinks with meals aimed at children.

The legislation would not override the parents’ wishes, but any other drinks would have to be specifically requested.

Democratic Assemblyman Kevin McCarty of Sacramento offered a dramatic defense of the bill, displaying a cup with nine sugar packets inside to represent the contents of a typical small soda.

“Kids’ meals shouldn’t come with a side order of diabetes, obesity or cardiovascular disease,” he said, according to The Sacramento Bee.  more here

SNIP: But kids sitting in a cloud of marijuana is okay in California. Taking children to gay parades with naked men prancing and ‘cavorting’ is okay. Knowingly infecting a person with STDs and AIDS, openly using drugs and sh!tting on public streets are all okay, too.  Is your 13 year old  pregnant?  Well, you’d never know because last week she took an abortion pill, but everything’s cool, as long she didn’t take the pill with a soda.


25 Comments on Lust for power: California Legislature Passes Bill To Limit Drinks to Water and Milk for Kids at Restaurants

  1. Other monumental brain dead socialist ideas that are all happening at the zoo.

    Item one.
    The elimination of bail bonds. Yes it’s true cause they be racist. That should fit tongue and groove withe Prop 47 and 57 covered here last week.

    Item two.
    Increase the thresh hold of the amount of money law makers can earn/keep in their campaign funds and allow them access. This isn’t going on a ballot. They’ll vote it in themselves.

  2. Fascism: All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.

    Socialism: What is not mandatory, is forbidden.

    Take your pick, Kalifornia. Bullet or poison.

  3. When I was a kid, our only choices for drinks at home were milk or water. A pitcher of kool-aid was a summer Saturday treat. We were allowed to order whatever we wanted to drink when we were at a restaurant –which meant we got 4 sodas a year.

  4. “Kids’ meals shouldn’t come with a side order of diabetes, obesity or cardiovascular disease,”

    evidently, a ‘side order of salmonella, cryptosporidium, or Shigella disease’ is ok

    … & yes, I no longer frequent Chipotle

  5. what is the ‘age of consent’ for soda or juice consumption in california? And will kids have to have ID now, when they go out to eat?
    Will hotdog cart types of arrangements have to comply? What if a kid just wants a soda and they are alone, without parents? What is the penalty for offering a ‘kid’ a soda? I’d hate to have that on on my record.

  6. Kevin McCarty Is California’s own little Hitler. He hates guns. Except for the ones he owns. We know this because the little cock sucker exempts himself and the rest of the law makers from the shit he writes.

  7. Wonder whether Coca Cola and PepsiCo have made their influence felt there yet? Maybe that’s the whole point: solicitation of back-door campaign contributions from the soft drink companies.
    Waitaminit> Cali puts out as much orange juice as Florida does or maybe more.


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