Lynch Colluded with WaPo, NYTimes to Bury Tarmac Meeting Story – IOTW Report

Lynch Colluded with WaPo, NYTimes to Bury Tarmac Meeting Story

Hannity: Newly released documents obtained by the American Center for Law and Justice show members of the mainstream media knowingly colluded with Hillary’s campaign and the Department of Justice to bury news reports of the Clinton-Lynch tarmac meeting.

The documents, part of a hundred-page document dump by the DOJ, appear to show reporters from the Washington Post working with the Clinton campaign as well as Loretta Lynch’s office to tamp-down stories relating to the former Attorney General’s infamous meeting with Bill Clinton.

The WaPo journalist, speaking of the tarmac meeting, told DOJ officials “I’m hoping to put it to rest.” A reporter from the New York Times made similar statements, saying he was being “pressed into service” and was forced to cover the story.

A “chain of emails” between DOJ officials show their involvement in trying to spin the story in a favorable light to both Clinton and Lynch, with one senior aide saying, “I also talked to the ABC producer, who noted that they aren’t interested, even if Fox runs with it.”  more here

14 Comments on Lynch Colluded with WaPo, NYTimes to Bury Tarmac Meeting Story

  1. Well, sadly, everyone paying attention knows that corruption runs deep in the deep state. The weaponization of the IRS against the people was all the proof needed to cement this corruption.

    And yet Trump hasn’t gone after Koskinen or Lerner.
    I am one sad pup because of this. Maybe it’s coming.
    Cmon Donald. We’re patiently waiting.

  2. Evidently Comey didn’t think this meeting and collusion was worthy of comment or notes, after all he was already told there would be no grand jury and the investigation dropped.

    All he had to do was follow orders…..and he did exactly as he was told.

    Comey proved he is a Lying political hack with absolutely no integrity.

    Hillary better buy $2 million of comey’s book as a pay off.

  3. As Mark Steyn so rightly said: The Democrat losers, have the power and the Republican winners have the offices. And the Republicans can’t do dick. They won’t even side with President Trump. Listen to me you beggars who send me shit about needing money to help President Trump, Go phuck yourselves. Yes I’m talkin’ to you, McConnell, Ryan, McCain, the two bints and the rest of you. You ain’t gettin’ a phuckin’ farthing from me ever, ’till you change your tune. Disgratziata.

  4. I just know our congress crooks
    will get to the bottom of Fast & Furious
    any day now? I can hold my breath no?…
    The 1M$ in small bills that went missing
    on an US air base in Iraq in 2010.That was a
    tiny blurb in the news and then you here nothing
    more about it ever,just like all the insane treasonous
    crimes that just keep coming and coming…
    Nobody is going to jail or hang except you & me.

  5. How the country is ever going to be rid of these entrenched gov employee’s is a mystery. Other than appointee’s it’s near impossible to fire them. The government offices are teeming with them and they’re fighting trump at every turn. The DOJ is dormant. I see bloodshed in the future.

  6. Maybe she’ll get investigated. That’s when the republicans put on a performance like they intend to do something about it. They’ll provide those interested with some drama and then allow it to fade away like every investigation. It’s just entertainment with no intention to really punish anyone. I guess they think they’re fooling us.

  7. See Beave, once again Woodward and Bernstein are no where to be found because anything Not Watergate is beneath them!

    Hey Wally, why not just tell ’em it IS Watergate.
    They gotta be senile enough to believe it by now!

  8. “Congressional investigations” translates to safe zones for elite criminals.

    We will never know the true amount of money that has disappeared, with the watchdogs of congress keeping silent, as they skim off a bit for themselves.

    Congress does not hide their misdeeds. Every bill passed has more pages of ‘pork’ than the actual bill, just to ensure everyone gets a share of taxpayer money.

    Remember the headlines under obama’s watch, touting the record intake from taxpayers? WHERE IS THERE AN ACCOUNTING OF TAXPAYER FUNDS?

    No budget; no accounting for monies spent vs monies taken in; no accounting for the outrageous individual congress persons’ ‘expense accounts’; nothing, nada, not an ounce of holding ANYONE, sucking the taxpayer teat, accountable!!

    Good Lord, even the ‘ethics’ watchdogs, or the Inspector Generals, (many of which obama dismissed) of departments or committees, or congressmen, or anyone spending ANY PORTION of the TAXPAYERS’ funds, FAIL TO HOLD ANYONE ACCOUNTABLE!!!

    Nothing corrupts like power, and congressional power uses our taxpayer funds, to enrich, abuse, and misuse the power to enrich themselves and as John McCain said, (paraphrasing), ‘Pay no attention to the voters, we know what’s best for them.’

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