Lynch Slips — Says No Evidence Of ‘Technical Interference’ From The Russians – IOTW Report

Lynch Slips — Says No Evidence Of ‘Technical Interference’ From The Russians


U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch stated Thursday that the United States intelligence community has not found any evidence of “technical interference” on the part of the Russian government on voting machines used in the 2016 election.

Lynch instead referred to Russia hacking into the Democratic National Committee and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

Speaking at an event hosted by Politico, Lynch explained that U.S. intelligence officers had been investigating the hacks since the summer and weren’t sure what they could “talk about publicly.”


8 Comments on Lynch Slips — Says No Evidence Of ‘Technical Interference’ From The Russians

  1. A wounded animal is the most dangerous. All this bullshit is a last gasp attempt to undermine Trump’s presidency. It would actually be funny if they weren’t risking war with Russia.

  2. War with Russia indeed.

    The countdown to Obama’s ejection from power on Jan 20 has become intensely dangerous.

    Fred Thompson’s carrier Admiral, buzzed by Russian jets in “Red October’:
    ” This thing is going to get out of hand. It’s going to get out of hand and we’re going to be lucky to live through it.”

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