MA: Another Democrat Falls to Leftist Resistance: Incumbent Rep. Michael Capuano Loses Primary – IOTW Report

MA: Another Democrat Falls to Leftist Resistance: Incumbent Rep. Michael Capuano Loses Primary

Bretibart: Longtime incumbent Democratic Rep. Michael Capuano (D-MA) lost his primary on Tuesday to anti-establishment insurgent Ayanna Pressley in the latest of a series of powerful incumbents to lose to grassroots-fueled outsiders.

Capuano conceded the election early after returns started flowing in, a sign of how badly Pressley defeated him.

It appears the hard left Democrat Capuano was not leftist enough for even leftist Massachusetts. MORE

12 Comments on MA: Another Democrat Falls to Leftist Resistance: Incumbent Rep. Michael Capuano Loses Primary

  1. Hopefully the 320deg Leftists will realize that the 270deg Leftists are headed for the rocks and grab the wheel; Then again maybe that’s where they want to go, who am I to stop them. Sink bitches.

  2. Just my opinion here………

    The GOP has always been a fragmented party while the Demonrats have always seemed to be in lock step.

    Finally, the Demonrat party is starting to fragment, which hopefully, will dilute/divide/erode their voting block. As the more left the party goes, the more strength the GOP should be able to exert. However, WILL the RINO liberal/moderate/conservative factions be able to come together enough to start to take down the Demonrats, or will the GOPe still exert enough control to keep consistently snatching defeat from the jaws of victory?

    Maybe, this time, a little more patience is needed to let the Demonrats continue to implode more and more. Let them take themselves out!

    just my 2 cents worth this morning………

  3. Chiggerbug, as the democrat party goes further and further left, it should allow the Republicans to appeal to all the moderate (and still sane) democrats who are being made to feel unwelcome by the radical left. Don’t believe in retroactive abortion? They don’t want you. Don’t think there are 5,000 genders? They don’t want you. Don’t believe that you should be paying for welfare for the rest of the world? They don’t want you, but the Republicans do.

  4. I stick to my theory that normal Democrats are happy with Trump’s results seeing no reason to go to the polls to vote for someone who opposes him. This leaves only the left wing fringe voting. Less than 25% of registered Democrat voters turned out. That is NOT an “energized opposition”.

    These leftie loons will be easily beaten in November because Republicans ARE energized and normal Dems will continue to stay home.

    Sadly, for Boston, there is no Republican opponent so the lefty loon will be elected even if she only gets 1 vote. It won’t matter, however, since the Democrat minority will be even smaller.

  5. Taxachuesetts the anti-american run state that HATES white people and has banned guns in favor of their title of sanctuary state and sanctuary city of Boston.… ALL for the illegals!!

    Yet you drive down ANY street in Boston and they have potholes big enough to break your axle that are decades old and no money to repair them or the crumbling bridges all over that rat-infested city.

    The demoncrats have run Boston and Ma. into the ground decades before supporting illegals became their No.1 priority and now that they have bowed down to the muslims in obamma-like fashion they can look forward to many more bombings from people just like the ones who attacked the marathon all the while blaming native born citizens for everything they can….especially if they are white men walking.

    If you dare to take a ride on their death-trap trains you can look forward to being culture-enriched in several ways from muggings to snowflakery of all sorts depending on your color, race, and sexual preference, along with the Russian roulette style trip to nowhere inside cars running on tracks that were new 200 years ago.

    The only thing worse than living in Taxachusettes is watching all those illegals, muzzies, and snowflakes POUR across the boarder to MY state so they can take advantage of our no sales tax status while bringing all their problems with them and then deciding to stay here and turn into another shithole like taxachuesttes has become.


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