MA seeks to claw back at least $2.7 billion in jobless benefits it says were incorrectly paid – IOTW Report

MA seeks to claw back at least $2.7 billion in jobless benefits it says were incorrectly paid

I was just having a discussion with someone about the ‘free Covid money’ Biden was shoveling out to the states so that their people could stay home from work for a long period of time. What made those people think the State/Feds wouldn’t eventually come for them? [ “Mistake” or not]

‘The Department of Unemployment Assistance made overpayments on about 719,000 claims in 2020-2021. It’s going after recipients even if they weren’t at fault.

6 Comments on MA seeks to claw back at least $2.7 billion in jobless benefits it says were incorrectly paid

  1. Rots-A-Ruck Bucko!
    It’s only a matter of time before Pappy Poopy Pants and his Chicom puppet masters spend us into financial ruin (to prove that capitalism doesn’t work, of course) and by then it won’t matter!

  2. Next up: How many people are going to get mistakenly billed for money they either properly received or never received, hmmmm??
    Ya think the government has that one under control too?

  3. Expect them to not reveal that they will spend another billion to ‘claw back’ the lost money unsuccessfully. But they can’t be faulted because how were they to know this windfall of freshly printed uniparty cash would be blown wrecklessly like everyone involved was drunk with power and only concerned with stuffing their own pockets?! NO ONE could’ve foreseen this !!


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