“Ma’am…” – IOTW Report


18 Comments on “Ma’am…”

  1. HE and his gay husband purchased/rented their two “daughters” from family friends to give the appearance of normalcy to this freakshow. HE has no business speaking about this OR the supposed statements from his mother about only “taking what you need and not more.” AS if 3 multi-million dollar homes is only what they need.

  2. I’m hoping and praying that Kamala Harris goes full Gabby Johnson from Blazing Saddles and speaks nothing but incomprehensible gibberish tonight. And that she gets booed, and Bronx cheered mercilessly by the democraps at the DNC as well as the enemedia. God, please expose her as a blithering idiot who deserves absolutely no respect whatsoever and let her be mocked mercilessly by all in attendance at the DNC as well as all the braindead democrap voters at home watching her speech on the boob tube. And if the crowd would throw rotten vegetables and other assorted shit at her in utter contempt that would be a nice touch to end her speech. As for mooch, thank God she has not been nominated to replace bidumb. She’s even more contemptible and evil than Kamala is. We don’t need either Lady McBeth or Nurse Ratched as our next president.

  3. DavidW
    Thursday, 22 August 2024, 11:24 at 11:24 am
    “What is the deal about IVF suddenly, other than the demoncrats want to use IVF to help justify abortion.”

    …abortion and IVF to Democrats are two sides of the same coin.

    They want to play God.

  4. Do you know what’s lots more accurate then their F’ed up polls? The betting markets. Trumps been way ahead for a while. Then they switched to Kami and the money was on her for a week. Now it’s back to Trump, way out in front. Viewer ratings are down 23% for this convention. Everyone knows it’s nothing but lies and we hate Donald Trump. If RFK shows up at that Trump rally in Goodyear AZ tomorrow and endorses him it will be like this convention never took place. That’s when they get real serious about the big cheat. Which is already in motion.

  5. SNS: They not only want to play God, they are their own gods. If I as a man claim to be a woman, I am a woman just by saying so. Am I insane, or god? In their camp, it is really happening, not just in their diseased imaginations.

  6. Big Mike, a rabid Marxist storm trooping his/her message of hate, hypocrisy and lies.
    The focus; target capitalism as evil, instill white guilt, keep the “masses” hopeless and dumb, convince Demwits that elites like her are exceptional and deserve the wealthy perks because they alone know what’s going on and have the “solutions”.

    Big Moke is evil incarnate. A freak of nature pretending to be normal. She and her queer husband have a psychopathic drive to destroy this country – they have nothing else to live for in their wicked lives. Just like geoff of aardvark said, these monsters need to be exposed.


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