‘Macho’ Marine Corps ordered to implement revolutionary changes to accommodate women – IOTW Report

‘Macho’ Marine Corps ordered to implement revolutionary changes to accommodate women

female marine

WT:   The Marine Corps commandant has laid out a campaign to impose “cultural change” in macho ground combat units to make sure warriors display no resistance to accepting and mentoring women.

The “Marine Corps Force Integration Campaign Plan,” approved by Gen. Robert B. Neller, sparks a revolution in training and education as the 182,000-strong expeditionary force prepares for the Obama administration’s April 1 deadline to start the process of putting women in infantry, armor and artillery units.

It contains a new curriculum of sensitivity training.


23 Comments on ‘Macho’ Marine Corps ordered to implement revolutionary changes to accommodate women

  1. The purpose of the Marine Corp is to kill the poor bastard for his country/ideology, not to placate politically correct US government bureaucrat pussys. My wife’s dad was called back to Nam by a general who wanted the toughest sob gunney in the corp. True story. He is spinning in his grave.

  2. I am actually surprised that women are going along with this. Feminism may have had a point a long long time ago, but we all know that it’s gone too damn far now.

    Chicks in the Marines means more dead marines.

    That cost is too damn high.

  3. Obutthole’s hidden agenda is to be the first president to award the CMOH to a female. To do that there have to be women in combat. To do that he has to start a war. If that female is black, he gets even more ‘Rat points.

  4. Fabian socialists just want to cull the herd. As Malthusians, they constantly fear overpopulation and leverage any opportunity to reduce our numbers. Of course, our dear leaders won’t be the ones getting killed — just the chafe of the population, so who cares.

  5. No doubt the readiness accessment for combat report for the Marine Corps will show an increase in readiness due to this change. The report to be generated by the same procedure that claims the unemployment rate is < 5% . Hours will be spent in sensitivity training rather than on the firing range improving marksmanship. Obumbles will do all he can to continue weakening the military until he is no longer in the WH. But will keep trying as ex-President.

  6. This is not about women, men, combat or the military. It is about creating multiple polarizing wedge issues within the services and civilian population.

    Once the wedges are inserted, exploitation begins in order to drive the politically diverse further apart, thereby weakening, and eventually destroying, one of the few remaining traditionally American institutions.

    You want to make people destroy each other? Find their passion, find people equally as passionate on the other side, then create conditions that foster confrontation with one another.

    Works every time, especially when tearing apart a society. The Progressives, Communists, Liberals, Marxist, etc. have mastered this.

  7. When your soldier is on the battle field lying on the ground with only one leg and in pain beyond description, his comrades all dead, and she it being beaten and raped before his eyes by a half dozen taking a break from goats, do you think the sensitivity training you enforced upon him is going to be of much value then? Do you, our wonderful leaders and generals, think that the equally will have been worth it? Keep f**^*ing around, and see the wasted lives and the lost battles. They’re to come.

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