Macron Breaks: Concessions to Yellow Vests Will Be Rushed Through Parliament – IOTW Report

Macron Breaks: Concessions to Yellow Vests Will Be Rushed Through Parliament

Breitbart: (AFP) — The French government is set to rush tax cuts and a rise in the minimum wage through parliament in a bid to end the “yellow vest” protests which appear to be waning after a month of disruption.

The measures announced a week ago by President Emmanuel Macron will be discussed at a cabinet meeting on Wednesday and put to the National Assembly and the Senate for votes before Christmas, officials said.

But in the meantime, the protesters must dismantle their road blocks, Interior Minister Christophe Castaner said Monday, warning that “we can’t continue to paralyse the French economy.

Prime Minister Edouard Philippe has acknowledged that the concessions, worth some 10 billion euros ($11.3 billion), would mean France will breach the public deficit cap of 3% of gross domestic product set by EU rules.

“We accept that there will be a small increase in the deficit because of more rapid tax reductions,” Philippe said in an interview in the financial newspaper Les Echos on Monday.

“But we are careful with government spending, and we are taking a series of measures touching on businesses and spending worth some four billion euros. That should allow us to hold the deficit at about 3.2% for 2019,” he added.

A planned reduction in the corporate income tax rate will be restricted next year to companies with a turnover of less than 250 million euros.  more


12 Comments on Macron Breaks: Concessions to Yellow Vests Will Be Rushed Through Parliament

  1. joe6pak – Macron’s an idiot, but those same protestors elected him. I just wonder if they really know what they’re supposed to ask (demand) for to have all the burdens lifted off them.

    They may just quietly go away now, until the next time. lol

  2. Maricon doesn’t get it.
    The Frogs want to eat the rich.
    The fuel tax affected EVERYBODY not just the rich.
    They want to expropriate the rich, disassemble the corporations, and return to the Directorate. They will never be satisfied – they will only, eventually, be exhausted.
    The “minimum wage” in math, is called “normalizing.”
    multiply (a series, function or item of data) by a factor that makes the norm or some associated quantity such as an integral equal to a desired value (usually 1).”)
    It doesn’t change the fundaments of the function – it doesn’t change the slope (first derivative) of the function at any point.
    Make it 15: make it 50! You’re simply multiplying everything by some number.
    Making 15 won’t allow the frogs to live any better than they are now, because everything will rise concomitantly. Neither will making 50. It’s like adding zeros to Zimbabwean currency. Ten Dollars (Z) or Ten Trillion Dollars (Z) still buys you nothing. The frogs (and socialists, in general) can’t seem to understand this – or their nihilistic tendencies propel them into absurdities in their quests for tyranny.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. “series of measures touching on businesses and spending worth some four billion euros. That should allow us to hold the deficit at about 3.2% for 2019”
    Yeah, wait until you cut their other bennies, and see them get pissed again, you fool.
    Is Justin Trudeau his long lost twin brother?

  4. Raising the minimum wage will make it even harder for their masses of unskilled immigrants to get jobs. That won’t go down well in the festering banlieues.

    And what’s that about an increase in the deficit due to tax reductions? Haven’t they observed the crystal clear evidence from the U.S. that cutting taxes boosts revenues?

  5. I wonder how many of the yellow jackets will shortly be losing their jobs to an illegal alien squatting in France and willing to work for 2/3 of the minimum? They should have been hitting the streets demanding that illegals are removed, the borders tightened and the government start negotiating a Frexit.


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