Macron Claims 50,000 ‘Ultra Militants’ Hijacked Yellow Vest Movement – IOTW Report

Macron Claims 50,000 ‘Ultra Militants’ Hijacked Yellow Vest Movement

Breitbart: French president Emmanuel Macron has claimed that the Gilets Jaunes (Yellow Vest) movement has been largely hijacked by up to 40-50,000 “ultra militants” from the far-right and far-left in France.

Earlier this week President Macron received several journalists at the Elysee Palace and told them his thoughts on the Yellow Vest movement, saying he thought that the movement, which goes into its twelfth weekend of protests this Saturday, had been hijacked by the ultra-left and the far-right, Paris Match reports.

Macron defined the group as a “social and political movement without a fixed claim, without a leader, outside of business and which has undergone several mutations.”  more here

9 Comments on Macron Claims 50,000 ‘Ultra Militants’ Hijacked Yellow Vest Movement

  1. The far-left and the far-right in France are actually working together? This guy is nuts. What’s he going to claim next, that English cooking beats French cooking? Sacre Bleu!

  2. France is awaiting the emergence of another Robespierre.

    Socialist don’t really want “equality” they want a free ride – at someone else’s expense. That’s the nature of socialism – it cannot be otherwise.
    Maricon’s gas-tax was levied on everyone who purchased gas, without regard to social status or checkbook. And THAT’S what pissed the Frogs off. Not that they thought it was an “un-just” tax, but that they see it’s applied to rich, middle-income, as well as poor.

    izlamo delenda est …


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