Macron victory not the end of populist wave – IOTW Report

Macron victory not the end of populist wave

AT: The European establishment is celebrating the victory of Emmanuel Macron in the French presidential election.  The developing narrative to explain his win is that the European voter has rejected the nationalist populism of Marine Le Pen and come back to support more traditional, establishment politicians and policies.

But as Richard Fernandez points out, the elites are whistling past the graveyard.  He writes of both the French election and the probable victory of a South Korean liberal, Moon Jae-in, in tomorrow’s presidential contest as evidence that the populist wave isn’t going away.

PJ Media:

Although Macron’s victory and Moon’s likely triumph will likely be portrayed as a return of electoral politics to the globalist mainstream – a reversal of the Brexit/Trump trend – they are actually the opposite.  Both are attempts to solve challenges that have baffled the elite.  Hillary Clinton in her latest attempt to reinvent herself revealed an off-beat turn. “I’ve spent decades learning about what it would take to move our country forward, including people who clearly didn’t vote for me. To try to make sure that we dealt with a lot of these hard issues that are right around the corner, like robotics and artificial intelligence, and things that are really going to be upending the economy, for the vast majority of Americans, to say nothing of the rest of the world. So, I’m now back to being an activist citizen, and part of the resistance.”  [Italics mine.]

Macron is going down the same old, same old.  Globalization, social media, scientific revolutions are still taking the world order apart.  At least Hillary’s at the point where she’s changing the talking points to see what happens.  The hurricane which began with Brexit and Trump, far from dying down, is amping up as the local elections in Britain suggest.  The working class has been orphaned by the Left and Macron claims to be the Center.  The winds are coming from another quarter.  more here

6 Comments on Macron victory not the end of populist wave

  1. The surrender monkeys may as well learn to speak Pashtu or whatever muslim language is the most common, along with sticking their asses up into the air 5 times a day so the local Imam can take his pick of whichever asshole he wants to punch. It’s for damn sure that Maricon or Macaroni or whatever the hell his name is will invite more muslims into France. He’ll eventually try to appease them by assigning French women to sexually service them so that they won’t commit violence on the local population.

    France is done, and I can generate no sympathy for them, they shit the bed, now they get to sleep in it.

  2. “Macron victory not the end of populist wave”

    That’s some stinken thinken. In four years they’ll be swimming in terrorists. That can vote. France missed it’s opportunity. They collectively cut their own wrists. And they still have 300 nuclear tipped missiles.

  3. I not sure he will last four years. Whether they elect a socialist or a left of center globalist the Reality is they have to cut their social services. The minute they start an austerity program, they lose support and the government falls and they have to have new elections.

  4. Le Pen was no Trump. She had a socialist platform and was going to cap immigration to 10,000 annually which wasn’t going to reverse France”s issues. But liberals need a win to hype up.

  5. The surrender monkeys committed suicide.
    The last French Man was Bonaparte, and he was Corsican.

    C’est la guerre, Frangistan! Au revoir!

    izlamo delenda est …

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